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Exxon Chairman Gets $400 Million Retirement Package Amid Soaring Gas Prices


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Torque wins
May 24, 2001
Some people have the nerve to complain about unionized people make a living wage. Where is the outrage at this??! :mad: :mad: :mad:

April 14, 2006— Soaring gas prices are squeezing most Americans at the pump, but at least one man isn't complaining.

Last year, Exxon made the biggest profit of any company ever, $36 billion, and its retiring chairman appears to be reaping the benefits.

Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes.

Last November, when he was still chairman of Exxon, Raymond told Congress that gas prices were high because of global supply and demand.

"We're all in this together, everywhere in the world," he testified.

Raymond, however, was confronted with caustic complaints about his compensation.

"In 2004, Mr. Raymond, your bonus was over $3.6 million," Sen. Barbara Boxer said.

That was before new corporate documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that revealed Raymond's retirement deal and his $51.1 million paycheck in 2005. That's equivalent to $141,000 a day, nearly $6,000 an hour. it's almost more than five times what the CEO of Chevron made.

"I think it will spark a lot of outrage," said Sarah Anderson, a fellow in the global economy program at the Institute for Policy Studies, an independent think tank. "Clearly much of his high-level pay is due to the high price of gas."

A company spokesman said the compensation package reflected "a very long and distinguished career."

Some Exxon shareholders are now trying to pass resolutions criticizing the company's executive pay policies. The company is urging other shareholders to vote against those resolutions.

That is so he can afford to buy gas :eek:

Though most of that package is tied to stocks & stock options. I am sure there are stipulations of a time period to sell for profit.

Not that I am defending him, but sometimes reporters tend to blow stories up without including the little important tid bits.
Lot's of responsibility to run the biggest company in the world. Just like pretty much anything else, the top of heap gets paid the most - Hollywood, sports etc.

Oil companies make $$ getting the oil out of the ground, not as much selling it at the pumps - that is just the part the public sees and bitches about.


Can't make people happy GM loses money, people complain, Exxon makes money, people complain
that whole company needs to be looked over by the feds, i;m sure they'll find some wrong doing, a$$holes i'll never go to another exxon, i'll stick to those small gas companies like Marathon, and fina good gas prices and no greed
Pretty soon the price of gas will be high enough to make the sand oil in Canada and the US a competative souce of energy. Hey if we have to pay $3.50 or more it might as well be to ourselves and Canada. If we can eliminate our dependance on the sand monkey oil we will far better off as a nation, economicly and security wise.
I was pissed off because I had actually $10K to put into stocks a year or so ago, when the news said Exxon/Mobil's Break even price for Oil was $28/bbl, I was like "Damn that's low, my $10K has found a home". I got busy at work and forgot. A couple weeks later, it was too late, it went up $10/share, never to look back.

The profit would have nearly paid for my gas for a year. Oh well.
People don't complain as much about about CEO's incomes because they actually had to do something to get where they are. I'm sure that guy went to college, had tons of responsibility, and dealt with stress most people can't comprehend.

Next you'll bitch about Bill Gates. Yeah, he's uber-wealthy. You know what? If you don't like it, design and build a better OS and reap the benefits.

I (and others) complain about UAW wages because a monkey could be trained to do the job a guy is getting paid $40/hr to do and then he has the balls to go on strike for more money. Wheres the thread about the old woman getting like $76K a year to sweep floors at GM? How is that NOT the problem?

I'll say it again, your income should reflect the education and experience required to do your job. $76K a year to sweep floors? Did anyone here have a hard time grasping the concept of the broom? Ever seen a broom come with instructions? I know they didn't have a "Janitor 101" class in my HS, did they at yours? I mean clearly this woman has a gift, why else would they pay her that much?
turbosam6 said:
People don't complain as much about about CEO's incomes because they actually had to do something to get where they are. I'm sure that guy went to college, had tons of responsibility, and dealt with stress most people can't comprehend.

Next you'll bitch about Bill Gates. Yeah, he's uber-wealthy. You know what? If you don't like it, design and build a better OS and reap the benefits.

I (and others) complain about UAW wages because a monkey could be trained to do the job a guy is getting paid $40/hr to do and then he has the balls to go on strike for more money. Wheres the thread about the old woman getting like $76K a year to sweep floors at GM? How is that NOT the problem?

I'll say it again, your income should reflect the education and experience required to do your job. $76K a year to sweep floors? Did anyone here have a hard time grasping the concept of the broom? Ever seen a broom come with instructions? I know they didn't have a "Janitor 101" class in my HS, did they at yours? I mean clearly this woman has a gift, why else would they pay her that much?

Do you realize there are people out there WILLING to do the same work as the CEO for $100,000? Does this guy REALLY need a 51 MILLION DOLLAR PAYCHECK?Does the guy REALLY need a 400+ MILLION DOLLAR retirement package? Somewhat excessive pay vs. 76K huh?
Well he obviously had to make the hard decision to utter the words: "RAISE THE PRICE."
Oh, and for those who think not buying from Exxon will impact their future, your dreaming. They will only sell to the other oil companies if they do not sell at the pump. These guys are all in bed together.
1QWIK6 said:
Do you realize there are people out there WILLING to do the same work as the CEO for $100,000? Does this guy REALLY need a 51 MILLION DOLLAR PAYCHECK?Does the guy REALLY need a 400+ MILLION DOLLAR retirement package? Somewhat excessive pay vs. 76K huh?

Do you NEED 500 horsepower? Do you NEED shiny rims?

Do his job for $100,000? Sure, his "job" probably isn't super hard (although I doubt anyone here can just walk in and do it), but no one would take the responsibility for $100K. And there are expenses in positions like that that $100K wouldn't touch.

I don't care what anyone says, if you're in that position for any length of time and they offer you that kind of money you're gonna take it.

Also, if you took his annual salary and retirement package and divided it evenly amongst the people who purchased gas from one of their stations you wouldn't even get 1 penny. So if you're blaming him for high gas prices try again.
He deserves everything he gets. He is responsible for a company which posted record profits. If you think about it, he also has helped in keeping gas prices down over the years. Inflation adjusted, gas is cheaper now than 30 years ago. In the 70's an average car cost $6000, homes could be had for $30,000, and gas was $1.50 a gallon. Gas has only really doubled in price since then. EVERYTHING else is up about 7 fold. People have no issue with walking into a Starbucks and paying $20 a gallon for coffee, but want to complain about $3 gallon gas. Which do you think is more expensive to produce?
i'll tell what chaps my ass about people making too much money.

Those that play a game ( football,basketball,baseball ETC...) how can a man that is playing a game be worth so much money.

But when you got the men and women that are in the military, police, and fire personnel don't get **** even tho more often thatn not there risking thier life to preserve life and property.

Like someone said up top that their salary reflects on the job title and Education. i can understand that.
SloGN said:
i'll tell what chaps my ass about people making too much money.

Those that play a game ( football,basketball,baseball ETC...) how can a man that is playing a game be worth so much money.

But when you got the men and women that are in the military, police, and fire personnel don't get **** even tho more often thatn not there risking thier life to preserve life and property.

Like someone said up top that their salary reflects on the job title and Education. i can understand that.

I agree 300%. Its a friggen game folks, its not rocket science. I'm not doubting that they are amazing atheletes (OK, some of them), but some of these contracts are out of control. I don't care much though, as it really doesn't impact me. People buy their jerseys, shoes, game tickets, hats, etc., and don't have to, its a luxury.

Whats terrible is how these "atheletes" conduct themselves. They make literally millions of dollars and still act like complete idiots. Drugs, weapons, rape, violence, etc. I mean seriously, isn't the money enough? I can't imagine being paid more money than I could ever spend and thinking "Hmmm, I think I'll see how many laws I can break today" and risk it all.
The reality of the situation is that the man at Exxon does not have to answer to the public. He has to answer to Exxon shareholders. They own the company, and they collectively deside (through a board) what the CEO gets paid. I don't know what the man deserves $ wise, but it stands to reason that if he led the company to have the highest profit of any company ever, he should get the biggest paycheck of any CEO ever :D