Factory exhaust GM

I'll clean it up and paint the tips for the buyer. Does anyone know what "FIX CHECK" means? An interested buyer asked me, and I didn't have an answer.

no idea what fix check means but i do see it printed on the muffler. seen a lot of these cars but never that mark. maybe it means that it was fixed so the old school GM okay as in okay used car check is applied????? turbofish38 would likely be the one to ask. anyway, i would be interested in how much for it and shipped to 76065....no need to paint the tips for me.
Factory Exhaust for Your Car

Can you please send me pics as I am very interested!!! I need from catalytic convertor through tailpipes (including muffler) and it sounds like you have this.

Please send pics to jojohudson2004@yahoo.com

Look forward to seeing these and if all checks out, you have a sale!
Is there a reason you can't see the pics at the top of the post? I emailed them anyways.
High offer so far is $500 but he's out of state and not sure when he's going to be around.
Fix check means fixture check or put the assembly on the tooling fixture to ensure tolerances. Companies like Tenneco and Arvin (who supply OEM exhaust systems) will typically check a certain number of parts per shift on the inspection fixture or in the CMM room. This could have been either. I still have the original exhaust still under my car, it just has the part number stenciled in black upside down when viewed in car position.