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Fast Food Hamburger


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You'd be surprised of all the stuff you intake on a daily basis. Pretty damn scary needless to say. Pretty scary after researching it. Needless to say,vegetable and fruits are very regular in my. Diet now. Lol. Although,I have to frequent In and Out Hamburgers occasionally.
none of this really bothers me. i know it's not the best part of the cow- if it was, you couldn't get a cooked and packaged 1/4 pound burger for a buck..

X2!...:rolleyes:...but nevertheless, I still love a good 1/4 pounder with cheese, fries and a large Coke, and it's going to take a lot more than that to discourage me from having one!...:wink:

Claude :)
:eek: I am glad we raise our own beef and have it butchered at a local locker plant.... I knew I didnt like fast food beef....

The great American staple. Don’t worry, burgers really do come from cows—but have you ever wondered how those giant chains process and distribute so much meat so cheaply? And . . . are you sure you want to know?

The Truth: Most fast-food hamburger patties begin their voyage to your buns in the hands of a company called Beef Products. The company specializes in taking slaughterhouse trimmings—heads and hooves and the like—that are traditionally used only in pet food and cooking oil, and turning them into patties. The challenge is getting this byproduct meat clean enough for human consumption, as both E. coli and salmonella like to concentrate themselves in the fatty deposits.

MickeyD had to do something since they can't use worms anymore.
Yeah I remember that one Alan lol,

I am not telling anyone not to eat fast food, heck eat all you want guys.

Just thought it was interesting about the heads and hooves :eek: There is a meat packing plant 1 hour north west of me and it is where all the feed yards and local farmers take their cancer ridden cattle, :o

Me myself, I just prefer to use the local locker plant.

Dont shoot the messenger, and yes I understand there are millions of things just as bad if not worse.
well gentlemen,if your ever in the golden unemployment state aka cali. treat yourself to a In n Out double double burger, they are fanatics when it comes to everything being fresh, they grind their own beef, deliver their veggies fresh from the farms,have a in house bakery, you can witness them cutting and preparing the fries as well as your burger before your eyes,they don't cook it until you order it and they are reasonable priced,heck they even sponsor a top fuel funny car and pro mod.
Been to In and Out many times it's the first place we hit on the Vegas strip when we get off the plane.We have 5 guys it is at least as good as In and Out if not a little better.Expensive though a loaded double,fries and a coke will set you back 10 bucks
Yeah, I love In And Out too. My only advice would be to order the double unless you are a light eater.
I had a sack of sliders last night......not a hint of hoof anywhere! Damn, they are still talking back to me.:tongue:

On a serious note, I don't eat fast food 7 days a week. I probably wouldn't be typing this right now if I did. All things in moderation.
Well, yeah--we all know that most of the meat that we eat, even out of grocery stores, could've came from anywhere.
headcheese. black sausage (blood sausage), liver, foie gras, frog legs, cattle hearts, bull penises, haggis, we humans will eat damn near everything if it dont kill us ;)
Speaking of food in America, I have noticed that since I moved to Australia, the food here goes bad WAY faster. Things are bad literally the day it says on the label. No pushing the milk 5 days past the sell by date. They don't put as many preservatives in things here to maintain shelf life. One benefit of this is that, over here, I'm no longer lactose intolerant and I can actually have milk with my cookies again (that brings me back :D). I can't say if McDonald's treats their meat any better here though.
Speaking of food in America, I have noticed that since I moved to Australia, the food here goes bad WAY faster. Things are bad literally the day it says on the label. No pushing the milk 5 days past the sell by date. They don't put as many preservatives in things here to maintain shelf life. One benefit of this is that, over here, I'm no longer lactose intolerant and I can actually have milk with my cookies again (that brings me back :D). I can't say if McDonald's treats their meat any better here though.

they probably have regulations that say that they can't fudge on the expiration dates as much as they can here in the states..
The kangaroo is alot fresher for sure!

This is true! They actually promote eating of kangaroo meat because it's better for the environment that eating beef. It's actually pretty good! If you cook it right, it is better (in my opinion) than a decent cut of steak.