Taking a closer look at the Afterstart tables and how things work, my interpretation
The 1st thing we need to know is that we have 3 tables in the fast for afterstart
1. afterstart vs cts
2. revs vs cts
3. decay vs cts
Afterstart vs CTS is the % of fuel added to the current injector PW, after the engine exceeds the start to run RPM, below this value no afterstart fuel is active.
Rev VS CTS is the amount of crank signal pulses that must be seen BEFORE any after start fueling begins once the start to run RPM has been exceeded this count begins.
Decay vs CTS is the rate the afterstart enrichment is REDUCED in .8% per crank signal pulse. Example if we had this set to 100 revs/step, every 100 crank pulses the ecu sees the after start programmed value from table 1 . will be reduced by .8%. So if you had a value in table 1 as 20% it would be 19.2% after 100 pulses. and so on, next 100 pulses 18.4% etc.
The Buick crank trigger has 3 crank pulses per RPM. If you have a programmed cold start of 1000 RPM you will see 3000 crank pulses per minute or 50 pulses per second. So based on the numbers above( 100 revs/step) will mean every 2 seconds the afterstart will be reduced by .8% so after 50 seconds it will decay out to 0% if we started at 20% enrichment.
Or if you look at it this way .4%per step per second= 20%/.4%=50 seconds
A stock buick chip uses 140 seconds cold afterstart and about 90 seconds warm afterstart as an example, but I like to see about 60 seconds cold and about 30-40 seconds warm.
If I have anything in-accurate someone please feel free to step in and correct things.
The 1st thing we need to know is that we have 3 tables in the fast for afterstart
1. afterstart vs cts
2. revs vs cts
3. decay vs cts
Afterstart vs CTS is the % of fuel added to the current injector PW, after the engine exceeds the start to run RPM, below this value no afterstart fuel is active.
Rev VS CTS is the amount of crank signal pulses that must be seen BEFORE any after start fueling begins once the start to run RPM has been exceeded this count begins.
Decay vs CTS is the rate the afterstart enrichment is REDUCED in .8% per crank signal pulse. Example if we had this set to 100 revs/step, every 100 crank pulses the ecu sees the after start programmed value from table 1 . will be reduced by .8%. So if you had a value in table 1 as 20% it would be 19.2% after 100 pulses. and so on, next 100 pulses 18.4% etc.
The Buick crank trigger has 3 crank pulses per RPM. If you have a programmed cold start of 1000 RPM you will see 3000 crank pulses per minute or 50 pulses per second. So based on the numbers above( 100 revs/step) will mean every 2 seconds the afterstart will be reduced by .8% so after 50 seconds it will decay out to 0% if we started at 20% enrichment.
Or if you look at it this way .4%per step per second= 20%/.4%=50 seconds
A stock buick chip uses 140 seconds cold afterstart and about 90 seconds warm afterstart as an example, but I like to see about 60 seconds cold and about 30-40 seconds warm.
If I have anything in-accurate someone please feel free to step in and correct things.