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FDNY Set To Institute ‘Crash Tax’


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i suppose they have to justify sending out 3 cop cars, an ambulance, a pump truck- all fully staffed- and a deputy fire chief to every minor fender bender.
i suppose they have to justify sending out 3 cop cars, an ambulance, a pump truck- all fully staffed- and a deputy fire chief to every minor fender bender.

I am surpried the lawyers havn't figured out how to bill folks for trying to chase an ambulance LOL :eek:
So we pay these emergency personal to sit around and wait for a emergency.

Now they want us to pay them again for doing the job they are already paid for.

Only a thieving politician would think up such a ripoff.

Now I would be willing to pay per incident if their currant salary is eliminated.

The lady next door had a heart attack. paramedics, 2 fire trucks, 4 or 5 sheriffs deputies and a ambulance which actually took her to the hosp. And now add in the enviro hazard people.
So we pay these emergency personal to sit around and wait for a emergency.

Now they want us to pay them again for doing the job they are already paid for.

Only a thieving politician would think up such a ripoff.

Now I would be willing to pay per incident if their currant salary is eliminated.

The lady next door had a heart attack. paramedics, 2 fire trucks, 4 or 5 sheriffs deputies and a ambulance which actually took her to the hosp. And now add in the enviro hazard people.

Now that sounds like a good idea taking salary away.. But try taking away a salary AND A UNION one at that. You want to hear baby wailing! :eek:
i suppose they have to justify sending out 3 cop cars, an ambulance, a pump truck- all fully staffed- and a deputy fire chief to every minor fender bender.

Taxes already pay these responders a hansom wage and now it isnt enough?

I am liking the "commission" idea. Cut that "cush" salary and put them on a pay for production. They will be scrambling like Houston tow truck drivers to get to the scene. There are five of them lined up at an accident before any municipal emergency unit shows up.
Perfect moneymaking oppertunity for insurance companies. They can offer "Responder Fee Insurance" for an extra $200 a year.:biggrin:
Perfect moneymaking oppertunity for insurance companies. They can offer "Responder Fee Insurance" for an extra $200 a year.:biggrin:

I knew you were in the wrong business making teeth.

You would have been better working in the insurance industry products line. :D
Taxes already pay these responders a hansom wage and now it isnt enough?

I am liking the "commission" idea. Cut that "cush" salary and put them on a pay for production. They will be scrambling like Houston tow truck drivers to get to the scene. There are five of them lined up at an accident before any municipal emergency unit shows up.

or maybe they could just not call out half of the FDNY and NYPD and an ambulance for every minor traffic accident when all they really need is a single police officer to write a quick report before letting both cars be on their way. you know- have the response to the accident be proportional to the severity of the accident..
this is all nothing but a way to raise funds without raising taxes.