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First track night with Propain


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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I've got another thread about my track issues...the car isn't tuned right and I feel when the whole car is in tune, I should get hotter times. For tonight, my best ET was 12.39 @ 108 (1.87 short) and my best MPH was 12.60 @ 110 (2.11 short).

Since getting the propane installed, I've been beatin on it pretty good trying to get it set up. I've got the second largest jet in there and the pulse set pretty high. I ran out of propane at the track tonight...fortunately I had race gas as an insurance policy...still ran 22psi after the propane was out.

With 50psi line off fuel pressure, I can run 22psi with the propane...but when I hit third and the boost goes down, the engine bogs. The engine is feeling a little weak in the top end, not sure why. Should I try the smaller jet again? I had the middle jet and at 21psi the pulse was maxed out. No bogging though. I was really hoping to use 23 or 24psi, but I'm not sure if that's realistic.:confused:
12.39 is great ET for a 1.87..tho the MPH appears a bit low. I would look at the tune and O2's past the 1/8 mile mark.

You did the cardinal sin..didnt post specifics about the run..330,1/8,1000 et and MPH..

I thought propain was suppossed to last for months?
Yeah, I think my MPH is low also. EVERY run the 1/4 speed is exactly 20 mph higher than my 1/8 speed. I felt the car slow down at top end...possibly running out of fuel. Some of my 02's dipped to the high 6's.


60'- 1.877 2.110
330- 5.147 5.433
1/8- 7.916 8.181
MPH- 88.46 89.10
1000-10.331 10.567
1/4- 12.396 12.609
MPH- 108.91 110.37

I've still got to go over my DS readings for those runs and see what I had. That was uncorked exhaust, 22psi boost. 16psi in the drag radials (yes, I know too low). :)
so exactly how long did that propain tank last?
enquireing minds want to know!!!
It lasted me a couple three weeks, but I don't think that's a fair assessment. Since I'm still tuning it, I get on it alot more than average. I was boosting it till 80, slowing down and doing it again. I think once I get it set up it will last alot longer, but I dont think I'm going to get 3 months out of it. :)

I left my trunk open for a few while I was filling up my tires and got LOTS of "Whoa, is that propane?" questions. :) I told them I forgot my habachi grill at home.
Our cars typically when running rite should pickup 25 from 1/8 to 1/4. Some I've seen 30. But 20 indicates problems in tune or mechanical.

Look over your DS and figure it out. I dont pay too much attention to O2's, but will pay attention to knock and EGT's.

Maybe valve springs?.. or just plain tuning.

As far as the DR's..somecars like 14, others 20... I like my sidewalls soft so they can dig into the pavement.
Cool, I just got my propain hooked up and need to tune it (put DS back in car) and was just wondering how long before I need to fill er up (PITA in a TTA)

Will have to borrow a dig camera to show the setup as it is WAY different than a TR
