Fixed my 1-2 no-shift!


'87 GN (for sale)
Mar 27, 2002
Since I got my '87 it has never wanted to shift from 1-2 on heavy throttle. I have posted here and gotten a couple different ideas, TV cable and the suggestion that it's just not calibrated right, since it's not a BRF. Well, while perusing some of the other messages here I noticed that these trannys tend to starve for fluid under heavy acceleration, and that some folks run them a quart or two high to help prevent that. So, I added a couple quarts (I think it was a little low anyway, but I had just R&Red the driveshaft) and took it for a spin. No more problem...although it doesn't seem to accelerate as fast as I had remembered. It's not exactly neck snapping shifts, but at least it will do it. I have the Poston recalibration kit on order, should be here tomorrow or so. But first, I think I'll replace the filter and RTV the seal, change the fluid, and re-adjust the TV. Maybe I can get this right without a bunch of expensive parts. I may sell the car anyway, so it doesn't hurt to try.
Regardless, for those of you experiencing the lack of 1-2 shifts under heavy throttle, consider checking your fluid and over-filling a little. Alternatively, if you plan to keep your car and put a couple $$$ into it Bruce has a deep pan kit with some kind of filter conversion that (I think) is designed to eliminate this annoying "feature" of our cars.

do yourself and the next possible owner a favor and don't use rtv on around any tranny parts!

I've seen several posts here indicating that the filter should be "sealed" with RTV to the suction tube to prevent cavitation. Evidently this is quite a problem. It was also noted that the RTV must be allowed to cure before refilling with fluid.
Maybe Bruce or someone else can speak to this...
JB Weld

maybe? I would be leary about putting any forien material in where it can plug such a small suction hole. But rtv no matter how long it cures will break-down from tranny fluid and heat. Trust me I know.
Here we go, Rube Goldberg or MacGyver it ... yea thats it

Do not use anywhere inside. DO NOT use JB weld
Do not use rtv.

He told you how to solve this problem correctly above. Listen to him....

This filter sealing thing... that should only tell you how poor they were designed.

I would NEVER do or reccommend this to ANYONE.

As for over filling, Just wait till a hot day and a good hard pass or load and when it vents tranny fluid all over the underside of the car and quite possibly get under tires and crash and lose your ride , you remember that ole redneck tale about overfilling. Trust me , it will exit sooner or later and when it does, not to mention fire hazard, It will go somewhere and it is usually somewhere not much desired.

didn't mean to start anything here...I really have seen recommendations to overfill the tranny on this forum.
BUT...having blown the vent on my Suburban (TH400) it's a weird thing to have happen. I guess for right now I will change the fluid and filter and see if that helps. I'm dealing with a lot of unknowns having bought an old used car. If I KNEW I was keeping the car a deep pan and filter conversion would be in the works ASAP.
I guess I thought the RTV thing was more common...
Ahhh I am very tired.....sorry

If you experianced that in your Suburban, you know how ugly it can be. I didnt mean to sound nasty but safety is first. That is always what we need to keep in mind. I would hate to have someone hurt on misinformation especially directly or indirectly, from me. Personally, I am very glad you are here, Jeff, and I will do all I can to see that you remain here. Hehehehe :D

(Sometimes to see or test if cavatation is present or taking place, you can overfill it to test. Best way is a pressure gauge. However in a pinch without gauge this can tell you. Once problem is found or diagnoised, then proceed to solve problem permantly and safely.
But never leave fluid clear up stick or 2 qts over.)
