found gnx 375

No offense man but clean your garage before something falls on the car and its only worth $40K like every other GNX with that mileage. ;)
Bubble Boy

That reminds me of the movie about bubble boy and the first time he got to leave his bubble:D I would love to take that baby for a spin.
He's hoping for a tidy profit. The car was last purchased on Ebay for $40,000 last September. The car was only driven 76 miles since then. That wouldn't even get me back and forth to work one time. :p
DOH! I was driven out of "the bubble" for the pictures. Now it's only worth 40k like the rest of them.
$55,000!!!!!:eek: You can buy a 97GTS Viper for that kind of green. Some people really need to come on back to Earth.;)
I was thinking the same thing about the garage. He keeps the car in a bubble to protect it and care for it but he parks in a messy garage? Car is NICE. Not worth close to $55K though. I think #546 with only 900 ish miles sold for like $40K last year if I am not mistaken. I know the market has gone up but not quite that much. I think the only GNX's worth in the 50K range right now would be #547 (really low miles) and #001(depending on the miles) . IMO anyway.
not at his house eithier...must leave it at a friends house in the "carcoon" .. wonder what I could piece it out for :p

hmmmm listed "GNX guy" ...wonder if Joe sold it to him??? this other guy is a "Shelby" guy
$55,000!!!!! You can buy a 97GTS Viper for that kind of green. Some people really need to come on back to Earth.

if i had 55k i would gladly fork it over for a gnx, vipers are nice but there no turbo buick.
worth 55k? maybe to someone. its truely a museum piece. kinda like having a (God forbid) sick bed ridden child. its your child and you love it unconditionaly but you cant go anywhere with him/her and thats sad.
Well, according to the State of Illinois, I'm still the owner. But not legally. It was sold to a collector in Las Vegas with 1102 miles on it at the GS Nationals in 2001. Buyer had me do a bunch of things to it. New turbo, regulator, wires, accumulator fuel pump, you know, the stuff that should be done for a daily driver. Well car was delivered to him end of June 2001 and it was not started till June of 2002 when he contacted me to see if I wanted to buy it back. He put it on ebay. Then closed the auction early. It sold to a local Chicago High end car broker. The next thing I know is its on ebay again. I contact the broker to correct all the misleading info in his ad. Well, I get a call on my cell phone. Its a shelby collector from GA. He pays me to go inspect the car. He was sending me a certified check for $xx,xxxx and I was to give the seller the check and bring the car back to my shop. Cool, i get to drive my old car again. I get there, everything looks good. Broker had $2000.00 worth of work done at a Buick dealer (yuk) I give the check and get the title, WTF, Still my old title. Car gets shipped to GA. Car goes through 3 buyers with my old title. New owner puts it up for sale a few months after its purchase. Its been on, you'll see it in Hemmings now. And now I guess ebay.

There are more details but you get the idea.


Originally posted by Grumpy
ummmmm its NOT GNX'z car....this is a "Ford" guy...from georgia
Actually this is not quite true. Its sold twice since then.


Originally posted by MeanBuicks
He's hoping for a tidy profit. The car was last purchased on Ebay for $40,000 last September. The car was only driven 76 miles since then. That wouldn't even get me back and forth to work one time. :p
Originally posted by equalizer442
if i had 55k i would gladly fork it over for a gnx, vipers are nice but there no turbo buick.

True, and I think come 10-15 years from now, a GNX will be worth a lot more than a 1997 Viper GTS.
Now thats funny :)

Originally posted by ALBERTAN
No offense man but clean your garage before something falls on the car and its only worth $40K like every other GNX with that mileage. ;)

Save everyone the trouble and confusion and just buy it back. Hell the title would all be done and all the confusion and explanations would not be required. The planets would all be aligned and it might even solve the middle east crisis stuff.
I can't believe he calls that POS "original". I bet anyone $100 it's not the original oil, filter and washer fluid. I wouldn't trade my dad's '92 LeSabre for that junker. Even WITH the CarCondom (what, no resevoir tip?).

Damn liars on Ebay.