Fuel Pressure Transducer on Powerlogger!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
I have casper's fuel pressure transducer in my car and the 5v out is tied into the PL. I was wondering it there is a way to calibrate them? Why am I asking this? Well my transducer reads 10 psi more than my fuel gauge, both on the rail and beside each other..... I am going to change out the gauge to see if it is bad. But if it isn't how can I get the PL to read the same?
Yes you can configure the transfer function (PSI per VOLT) in the power logger configuration file.

If the transfer function is already correct, and the sensor and the mechanical gauge do not agree..... then you got a bit of a dilemma and you have to find out which one is right.

This is from my powerlogger config:

CustomAnalog4Name=Fuel Pressure PSI
CustomAnalog4LongName=Fuel Pressure PSI

The last four items are the transfer function for my particular pressure sensor (min value, max value, min volt, max volt)

Yours may be different, best to ask Caspers.
Also, if your fuel pressure really is "correct", then your BLMs will all be in good shape, close to 128. If the fuel pressure is 10psi off then the BLMs would be way off in one direction too.
Probably not. Lemme go dig out the paperwork that came with it, see what it says. Will post back in a sec.
Steve, I see that two of PLC.ini parameters are for CustomAnalog4GaugeMin and Max. How do I get PL to display the Analog4 Input as a gauge?
Steve, I see that two of PLC.ini parameters are for CustomAnalog4GaugeMin and Max. How do I get PL to display the Analog4 Input as a gauge?
the gauge min and gauge max set the high and low range on the graphs. it does not display a gauge for the auxilliary channels.
Well, the CustomAnalog4GraphMin and Max determines the limits for the graph. I'm wondering if there is a "secret" (sorry, I mean undocumented) ini file setting that will turn one of the gauges into Analog Input 4. ???

I was hoping you might know, but if not then this is question for the "Mad Scientist" Bob.
where do i set my setting for my fuel pressure transducer settings in my PL . can someone please explain i need 0 psi to = .5v and 100 psi = 4.5v
where do i set my setting for my fuel pressure transducer settings in my PL . can someone please explain i need 0 psi to = .5v and 100 psi = 4.5v

Go to your Powerlogger folder. Find the INI file. Scroll down to Analog Input 4 and change your settings.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
INI file ? Is that the one that says power logger configuration ? It comes up like a note pad ? And all it says for analog 4 =0 then is has a offset do I put .5 in the analog 4 and 4.5 in the offset ??
INI file ? Is that the one that says power logger configuration ? It comes up like a note pad ? And all it says for analog 4 =0 then is has a offset do I put .5 in the analog 4 and 4.5 in the offset ??


If 0.5V equal zero then it should be 0.5v=0 and if at 4.5Volts the sensor reads 150 then it would be 4.5=150

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
My transducer is 0-100 it is not a caspers one 0psi=.5 100=4.5
I still can't find the INI file ?? Can someone do a screen shot and show me