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Galaxy Samsung SIII


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A lot of the phone GPS apps are the same way but Waze, Google Maps, etc arent. Tom Tom, Garmin and all the others that offer GPS software for the phones still try to bleed you for maps.

Truthfully, Waze is the best thing going for navigation on a phone.
After going to the Google Play site and doing a search for Waze there are several... Which one should I get?

Waze Navigation
waze gps
waze social GPS traffic & gas
waze social GPS & live traffic
Wanna get the S3 Tomorrow. Looking at the Tmobile website. It says the s3 has Jellybean on it. Think the ones in the stores have Ice cream sandwich. Don't know much about android operating systems. Should I wait for them to come out with Jellybean or get the ICS version? The sale ends on the 20th. Would it be simple to upgrade the OS later. I only know iphones and it's easy to upgrade.
My wife and I have the S3 thru Tmobile..nice phones with excellent features...No problems "YET".
Just bought one yesterday. I need to figure out how to use Android. Watched a few Youtube videos. Wow, lots of features.
I have had it for 3 weeks and hands down best phone i have ever had i use tuneinradio and listen to radio stations from Greece and it's way faster than my wife's GS2 well done Samsung
Bought the G III tonight.I went to RadioSchack and they have it for $99...and there was an Activation fee,----i told they guy ,i am gonna run do to the Verison kiosk that was about 200ft away(we were in the mall) and see if they had the activation fee and if they did would they waive it since i have been with Verison for 12yrs, well they didnt waive the fee and their price was $199,,i told them i am going back to RadioSchack and took the boys for ice cream,,,minutes later the radioschack guy calls my cell and says he can give me a google play card for $50 ...done deal...they only had white phones but i like it
side wife has the iPhone 4S and my screen is the exact size of her whole phone ,:)
I bought the S3 about a week ago. I love the features. I have 2 problems with my phone 1) The battery life sucks. 2) Damn thing is smarter than I am. Thats it, I like it better than my I phone.
Was just about the ask the same thing. The battery was at Zero (completely dead) at the 24hr mark. I use the battery saver function. Also have the advance task killer. Have a lot of icons at the top of the screen. Looks like lots of things running in the back ground.
if you use it with Wifi the battery lasts alot longer i have noticed that
Bought the G III tonight.I went to RadioSchack and they have it for $99...and there was an Activation fee,----i told they guy ,i am gonna run do to the Verison kiosk that was about 200ft away(we were in the mall) and see if they had the activation fee and if they did would they waive it since i have been with Verison for 12yrs, well they didnt waive the fee and their price was $199,,i told them i am going back to RadioSchack and took the boys for ice cream,,,minutes later the radioschack guy calls my cell and says he can give me a google play card for $50 ...done deal...they only had white phones but i like it
side wife has the iPhone 4S and my screen is the exact size of her whole phone ,:)

They also should have offered you a Galaxy 2 for free as well as the $50 play card. I just bought another one of these last night for my daughter.
If you have the Sprint version, there are some nice ROMs out that really extends battery life.
Jay i have the Tmobile version used it today all day just got home and the battery was at 30% so i can't complain also guys there is an app if you loose the phone you can activate the feature through gmail and help find it if it's off you can wipe the phone through google account so none of your info is out there
Another happy S3 owner. The good thing about using the phone as a GPS is that it get's a very fast GPS lock.
My Garmin takes forever.
It's a cool phone. I need a tutorial video on how to start using this thing. I'm use to the idiot proof iphone.
I've had my S3 for a week now and love it! Compared to the regular S, the battery life is twice as long.
Jay i have the Tmobile version used it today all day just got home and the battery was at 30% so i can't complain also guys there is an app if you loose the phone you can activate the feature through gmail and help find it if it's off you can wipe the phone through google account so none of your info is out there

Tmobile is GSM. Sprint is CDMA. Almost the whole world is GSM, Samsung has GSM stuff down to an art. The CDMA stuff, not so much. Ive owned a bunch of Sammy CDMA devices and after the Galaxy 2, I said no more. I had every intention of going with the new Evo on Sprint's network but I got one and it was garbage. It went against everything I believe in to buy the S3 but Im glad I did. Its a great phone.

But yea, the GSM versions have better battery life than their CDMA counterparts. Samsung just doesnt do CDMA radios very well.
Go to your play store guys and the app is called lookout it is free also it is kind of a virus protection too it will tell you if other apps are safe and you can find a lost phone if it's on or wipe out all the info even if it's off. Also Jay I didn't know that about Sprint they are behind the times then
Go to your play store guys and the app is called lookout it is free also it is kind of a virus protection too it will tell you if other apps are safe and you can find a lost phone if it's on or wipe out all the info even if it's off. Also Jay I didn't know that about Sprint they are behind the times then

Its not just Sprint. Verizon is also CDMA. Theyre about the only two carriers in North America I believe and all of Europe is GSM.

But as a whole, yea, Sprint is behind everyone. Even Cricket has deployed more 4G than Sprint has.