Gas Price Check

That last one sounds like here also. Seen Arco premium (like that is true) going for over $2.50 a gallon. Talk about making rape legal. ha ha ha Mark :D
XxDarkSidexX wrote:
"Please please tell me were you paid $1.18 for 91 oct. I live in Orange and i have to pay $2.25 for 91 oct.'
Aw, shxt, I diod that again.
Oops, sorry, I stand corrected, and thank you for the correction.
I paid $ 2.18 for Arco Supreme, ( 91 Octane ) ( Hic, snort, cough )
this am at a new Arco station on Beach Blvd in La habra, I believe.
Originally posted by Wells
XxDarkSidexX wrote:
Oops, sorry, I stand corrected, and thank you for the correction.
I paid $ 2.18 for Arco Supreme, ( 91 Octane ) ( Hic, snort, cough )
this am at a new Arco station on Beach Blvd in La habra, I believe.

DAM! i was gonna drive there with a van i found down by the river with 10 five gallons drums lol. But no really that sucs, i think california pays way to much per gallon. And on top of overpaying we only get 91 oct!:mad:
well,the 89 octane piss that the stupid twat at the chevron pumped into my car today was $2.07/gallon.the 92 octane that i wanted was $2.17.

so after i bought 5 gallons of the cheapy(k&s)118 octane leaded to counteract her friggin stupidity my tank of gas cost me $50.:mad:

:mad: :mad: :mad:

$2.50 for 91 (Apparently that's what California considers premium) at chevron in sunny San Diego.
Originally posted by TURBOV6
Looks like they bumped up the price again to like $2.18/gal
screw that! I've seen them hit $2.49 for 92 at the Shafter Flats Chevron. Chevron by Ft. Shafter on middle st. is $2.18 for 92...cheapest so far.
$1.80 for 91
$2.00 for 100 at an airport
$3.75 for 110
20# of boost with no knock, priceless
$1.74 for amoco 93 It was $1.85 a couple of weeks ago but had been dropping a cent or two every couple of days.
I think it was the Lundberg survey folks who said that the oil comps are shooting for the $2.00 /gal mark as the future price for gas. The Saudis did cut production recently. And do remember that there are 25 differing blends of gas that refineries have to make due to the air quality nazis. This is a logistical nightmare for producing and trucking. That is why one frieakin pipeline can hurt a region so bad. It would be illegal for a tanker to haul in a differing blend to an area with smog blends.
And be forewarned-if the methanol bill passes, there will be a 10% blend of this garbage mandated in every gallon soon. It isnt even good for the environment or for saving oil. It causes smog to produce it and it uses more energy to produce than is gained by burning it. It only helps the methanol lobby-Archer Daniels Midland corporapetion.
It is also "good" for the environmentalist because it can perpetuate "dirty" air which they DO want because their jobs depend on it. They know that pollution is down every year, and just lowering the specs for "dirty" air may actually loose its believability. But the public doesnt know this and they will believe ehtanol is the right thing to do. If no more source pollution , then good bye EPA jobs. I really strayed on this one!