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Get well charlief1


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Just got a call from Charlie. He said that the operation went well. Unfortunately, they told him that he's not allowed to drink any alcohol for 24 hours, so he's not out of the woods yet.:eek::D

Get well soon.

Mike Barnard
Sore as hell right now and I just ate for the first time since 0300 this morning. Never thought a frozen burito would taste as good as it does.:D
Just got a call from Charlie. He said that the operation went well. Unfortunately, they told him that he's not allowed to drink any alcohol for 24 hours, so he's not out of the woods yet.:eek::D

Get well soon.

Mike Barnard

I feel his pain every Monday - Friday...... X 30!;)
WHAT!???!? :eek: No alcohol for 24 hours??!?!?!? Jeez, how sad! What's this world coming to?

So tired from my trip from Texas to assist Charlie's doctor.....damn......I'm missing some things, little chrome thingys.....I'm sure I had them during the procedure.........hmmmmm........oh, well, I can get more from Sears or Home Depot later.....

Oh, my! Charlie's up!!!! Well, that burrito will probably be his last good meal when he see's the bill I'm sending him..........GNX here I come!!!!!! Thanks, Charlie!

On the happy side, glad you're doing alright and up....take it easy for a few days, Okay? Just wait about two weeks before you open my bill.:rolleyes: As I might have to come back and revive you.......:D

Bruce '87 Grand National
Take your time and take care of yourself Charlie!

Haste makes waste. Follow instructions closely.

Surely, we're All pulling for you, so take a quick break and recover fully. A man's health is all he truly has.

All the Best!
Well my boss called about an hour ago to give me a heads up on something. I have to get cleared by Friday so I can do light duty or I get stuck at home for 6 weeks at 60% of my pay.:mad: Hopefully he'll clear me since all I'll be doing is sitting and doing paperwork or computer work until I get cleared for full duty.
I hope you're still on the road of recovery, posts to you were just fooling around with you to get your mind off of your operation somewhat.....but, as per my own experience, you can't laugh hard for a while as you'll bust a hernia stitch.....ask me how I know this.....

So, no funny stuff, relax and take it easy for a while, and absolutley no lifting of very heavy stuff! Like engine blocks (109s) Turbo Buick frames, rear axles, your girlfriend....stuff like that......oh, sorry, I didn't mean your girlfriend, that was an honest slip.....don't get mad, just get well......we all care about you. I want that fine sense of humor to come back for us all.

Bruce '87 Grand National
No girlfriend right now but I do have 2 bitches in my life.:D Granted both of them are furry with tails but at least they follow directions better than my ex's did.;) I go back on light duty Friday doing paper work and puter work but I will be back at work.:rolleyes: Since I was off today I did get to light the grill up and cook some though.:p Tomorrow it's supposed to be close to 80 just like today and I haven't been using my meds so I can have a few with my friends when we carve the turkey.:cool:
:DL O L! You have a great way with words! Gotta remember that one.

Glad you're up and around......go outside and have a nice cold beer....the 24 hour ban has been lifted!:p
Man, it sounds nice down it's around 32-40 every night then around 45-50 during the far......would love to see Texas someday......such a big state, and everything happends down there. I wish I could go to Marfa and see the place where they filmed "Giant." Always loved that movie........but....alas, my ex-wife:mad: lives in Houston, so looks like I'll be staying around here.

Good to hear you're on the mend..........I wish that I could have had that new procedure that you had when I had my two hernias back in '66 and '67, exactly one year apart, both of them.........I was laid up in the hospital for two weeks for each one and it took me about one and one half months to recover at home! It set me back one year from graduating high school....had to go an extra year......very embarrassing. I guess my doctor who did the operation was around 98 years old, one eye, no arms and had a sack of saws in his doctor bag..:eek: ....hmmmmm...

Bruce '87 Grand National
Good to hear your doing good Charlie, bet you cant wait to get to work on the buick again.
5 weeks before I can do any lifting more than 10 lbs but it is what it is.:( Hopefully I'll be able to start again after Christmas on the Buick once again.;)