The unions started with great intentions but then became power hungry. A lot like politicians when they 1st get into office. After a while they start lining their own pockets. That's the story line for most all Americans. Look at all the greed and corruption that has been exposed so far and imagine how much is going on that no one has brought to light. When people say just let the market work itself out they are looking at people through rose colored glasses. Who can you trust these days to do what's right? Politicians, Clergyman, CEO's, Bankers, Lawyers, Judges, etc etc they are all out to fill their own pockets. They all need oversite.
Are there some who are willing to do good, yes and most of them are extremely rich and have no need to line their own pockets. People like B. Gates and W. Buffett have billion's and share
Thank you for modifying your stance from your original posting of blather about unions being the whole problem. Even with problems they are better than having the working people subject to the Corp wolves. To any others...
You're pushing the whole BS political agenda of the Elite dipsh!ts who caused the problem in reality. That makes YOU part of the problem, not the unions. Quit spewing the lies straight from the last opening of your MSM newspimp's mouth for starters and LEARN what you're talking about!
Want the REAL problem? It's called globalization, free trade, deregulation for the sake of deregulating. A 'Free Market' can only exist with a substantive amount of regulation. Alla you whiney idiots are pissy that UNION jobs have continued to keep pace with actual inflation until just this past year while alla YOUR jobs have been stagnated for the past 20yrs because of several factors.
1. Corporate GREED-the higher ups are at an all time high in pay vs. the 'workers'
2. Corporate GREED-a free market will always have a cheaper source of labor somewhere in the world.
3. Corporate GREED-policies in business have been changed to reflect only the short term profit for Wall Street's benefit while long term wealth and even existance is ignored Look how Dana Corp suffered from that one...just for starter's...
I could go on all day like this...
Idiots who are rushing to accept the yokes of the elite are rightly angered, but for the wrong reasons. Where's YOUR raise? Or where's the right amount of protection for YOUR business to exist in America vs some POS in another country? We're all headed for tar paper shacks and rickshaws, and you think the UNIONS are at fault? THE UNIONS are the last thing stopping it!!!!!!!
The automakers are in trouble because of policies designed by the elite ruling party to destroy the last empowerment of regular people. By destroying any corporation that supports this empowerment, they win. THAT SIMPLE!