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GM to strike......


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I know "union" talk is very a volatile subject, so I'll leave it at I hope the strikers are near retirement and have fully funded their retirement plans.

I'm sure there are plenty of people chompin' at the bit for a job in the places that are on strike.
I know "union" talk is very a volatile subject, so I'll leave it at I hope the strikers are near retirement and have fully funded their retirement plans.

I'm sure there are plenty of people chompin' at the bit for a job in the places that are on strike.

Yep, lot of UNEMPLOYMENT here in Michigan. I'd be happy they have jobs. Everybody is getting haircuts these days and they are next in line. Welcome to the party.... :(
Well I just got word that the peeons in the warehousing end went on strike this afternoon. Its always fun when they take a day or two off. Go to F'n hell UAW. Maybe if or should I say when the Big 3 get back on thier feet than you can start dictating what you should get. Its time to knuckle under. There is a new patriotism sweeping the country and you aint part of it. If you aint the solution than you must be the problem.:mad:
I worked eleven years at a printing company, started at $4 per hour, ended at $14 per hour when I left in 2000. I had to work 6 days a week and take every sunday that they would let me work so that I could make my house payment which was cheaper than rent at most places and put food on the table for my family. I would prefer to spend more time with my family but I didn't want daycare to raise my daughter so I worked the 60 hour weeks at $14 per hour so that my wife did not have to work full time. I wish that more people made the money that GM workers do. I am not rich but I am middle class, which means if my car breaks down I can afford to fix it. I am not left wondering when I will be able to come up with the money. When GM called me to come work for them I jumped at the chance. I work on an assembly line where I have 68 seconds to complete my job before the next car is in front of me. It took me 2 months at the job before I could just walk to the next car instead of running to the next car. I can now get my job done in about 64 seconds but if the company knows that I have 4 extra seconds they will find more work for me. Sometimes we get lucky and the line stops, then I can take a drink of water out of my water bottle. I get an 18 minute break after 2 hours, another 18 minutes 2 hours later and then a 12 minute break about an hour and a half after that. I don't get paid to sleep or read newspapers that most people believe we do. 95% of the people that work for GM do hard work, the other 5% have easy jobs just like you can find at any other business place. Unions are what gave people the standard 5 day work week at 40 hours. We are just fighting to keep the middle class alive where one parent can go to work and the other parent can stay home to raise the kids like the way it was when our parents raised us.
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I only make $26.68 per hour plus during the past four years since our last contract was done our wage has increased $2.08 to compensate for the cost of living increases over the last 4 fours. I am not saying I don't make enough money. I am saying that other jobs are not paying enough because american companies are sending their work to be done in other countries which in turn create excess american workers which is why the pay standard keeps getting lower for the american worker which is unfair for all of who try to make a living. If more work was done by american workers, then american companies would have to compensate the employee to retain their services. In all fairness to GM, the strike isn't 100% against them. The government needs to step up to protect all american workers not just uaw members. Working american people who pay their taxes keep this country running. The government should be protecting the people who live in this country. Almost every post on this board talks about people who will tell you to buy AC Delco not buy the cheap useless chinese part if given the choice. You may not be given the choice in the near future. I know that I would have a better piece of mind knowing that I had an american made seat belt in my car over a chinese made one the instant before a head on collision.
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I only make $26.68 per hour plus during the past four years since our last contract was done our wage has increased $2.08 to compensate for the cost of living increases over the last 4 fours. I am not saying I don't make enough money. I am saying that other jobs are not paying enough because american companies are sending their work to be done in other countries which in turn create excess american workers which is why the pay standard keeps getting lower for the american worker which is unfair for all of who try to make a living. If more work was done by american workers, then american companies would have to compensate the employee to retain their services. In all fairness to GM, the strike isn't 100% against them. The government needs to step up to protect all american workers not just uaw members. Working american people who pay their taxes keep this country running. The government should be protecting the people who live in this country. Almost every post on this board talks about people who will tell you to buy AC Delco not buy the cheap useless chinese part if given the choice. You may not be given the choice in the near future. I know that I would have a better piece of mind knowing that I had an american made seat belt in my car over a chinese made one the instant before a head on collision.

Thanks for the post; good to hear "your version" as well. Hope all goes well for you.
Glad to hear the other side of it too. To me, the big picture is that the big 3 are in serious trouble. If protecting the American union autoworker means more of the same, there won't be anymore UAW in a few years because either the big 3 will be gone or the jobs will be in Mexico. American made cars will be nonunion made and carry Toyota or Hyundai badges.
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I only make $26.68 per hour plus during the past four years since our last contract was done our wage has increased $2.08 to compensate for the cost of living increases over the last 4 fours. I am not saying I don't make enough money. I am saying that other jobs are not paying enough because american companies are sending their work to be done in other countries which in turn create excess american workers which is why the pay standard keeps getting lower for the american worker which is unfair for all of who try to make a living. If more work was done by american workers, then american companies would have to compensate the employee to retain their services. In all fairness to GM, the strike isn't 100% against them. The government needs to step up to protect all american workers not just uaw members. Working american people who pay their taxes keep this country running. The government should be protecting the people who live in this country. Almost every post on this board talks about people who will tell you to buy AC Delco not buy the cheap useless chinese part if given the choice. You may not be given the choice in the near future. I know that I would have a better piece of mind knowing that I had an american made seat belt in my car over a chinese made one the instant before a head on collision.

Please read this with an open mind, i know there are 1000s of GM families out there needing the next paycheck, but lets all be honest.

I was in the union for 10 years, paid my dues just like the other guys. I guess since we didnt pull enough weight (1000s of people like the folks striking at GM) once it was over, it was over.

My only concern for the folks that strike at GM full well know that there are more people out there starving for that job that are not union.

I do NOT vision every GM worker smoking a cigar while he places door panels on the next car. I know exactly what these folks do at the plants, i work right between the ford plant and GM plant here in KC, been all over both plants for 10 years working on equipment when it breaks down there.

They do their jobs i guarantee that!:smile:

How many years you been working there at GM and making 26.xx per hour and how much are your dues per year? Is that before or after your pension allowance?

I make about the same non union at my job, and my sister and her husband really get mad at me because im just a uneducated grease monkey who works alot,.... They are both registured nurses:o and its about the same pay scale.

I could totally see this thread going to the political section once someone attacks your comment about the GOV needs to step in and protect american workers.

In my opinion- WE are the american workers, we are americans, anyone else just go back home! :)
I did not intend this thread to get into a pissing match; let's please ALL keep an open mind here; :wink:
Well I just got word that the peeons in the warehousing end went on strike this afternoon. Its always fun when they take a day or two off. Go to F'n hell UAW. Maybe if or should I say when the Big 3 get back on thier feet than you can start dictating what you should get. Its time to knuckle under. There is a new patriotism sweeping the country and you aint part of it. If you aint the solution than you must be the problem.:mad:

What a childish an uneducated response.