GN grill


CaTcH mE iF yOu CaN
Nov 24, 2004
the grill on my 84 gn has chrome on the top while everything else is all black. is that how the grill on the 84s come. I thought everything is suppose to be black.
can someone answer this question. cause it has been on my mind ever since I got the car.
the only difference I have ever seen were on some 1985 models, like the GMP model...the 85 GN grill is black, and every 5th or 6th fin is chrome, as well as the top....I like the way that grill looks, but I cant remember ever seeing one like it in person!

Do they exist?

Originally posted by racemybuick
the only difference I have ever seen were on some 1985 models, like the GMP model...the 85 GN grill is black, and every 5th or 6th fin is chrome, as well as the top....I like the way that grill looks, but I cant remember ever seeing one like it in person!

Do they exist?


That grille was never installed on GN's. GMP must have made their model from GM's 1985 press kit photo. If you have one of the facts and figures book look at the photo of the 85 GN and it shows this grille. I think GM thought of changing the grille for 85. That grille was made by painting the 85-86 Regal grille black so it only makes sense to use this modified grille. The 84-86 GN grille was just the 84 Regal grille painted black. I haven't heard why they they didn't go to this grille. The 85-86 T-types used this grille but all of the spokes got painted black except the center. You can make your own by painting the stock 85-86 Regal grille.
I have a 1984-1987 TR/regal haynes manual, and it too shows the same grill on a GN!!! It looks nice as hell! I want one!

I have an 85 GN with the original sticker from GM. The grille is all black except for the chrome on the top, far left and right up and down fins as well as the center fin. I can send pics if you want. Thanks-Brad
My GN is trapped in the garage today due to construction work. I did find a good picture of the grille on the turbo buick hot air registry. Look at the pic of owner 901002. It is owned by Jaime Foster Wolcott. It shows the 85GN grille which is identical to mine. These are probably rare since the only made 2102 85 GN. Thanks- Brad
Originally posted by BRAD_PADGETT
I have an 85 GN with the original sticker from GM. The grille is all black except for the chrome on the top, far left and right up and down fins as well as the center fin. I can send pics if you want. Thanks-Brad

My 85 GN grill is the same. :D
my apologies... the forum wont let me post a pic for some reason...When I click submit, the infamous white screen appears and says "Page Cannot Be Displayed!"

Dunno what this $H!T means, but if you go to, Hot Air forum, under the "grill thread, I will post the pics there! I dont have probs posting pics on that site ever! lol


Did you have to do any mods to get the 87 grill to fit on your 85. It looks really clean. Please let me know cause I was planning on doing that. Thanks