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GN Milage per year?


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New Member
Jan 31, 2009
Just wondering everyone out there. how many miles on average do you drive your GNs per year? Also what is in your opinion when a GN looses it value the most at what mileage?
I've averaged about 11,000 miles a year in mine since I bought it. Btw, I bought mine in Jan. 1988. Do the math. :biggrin:

As far as value? Mine is worth more to me now than it ever was in the past. IMO, as these cars get older it is going to be the upkeep they have had and the shape they are in that will be more of a determining factor than the mileage itself for the occasional driver quality cars. These cars have passed the "used car" status and are now to where people want them for what they are or other emotional reasons. I don't think they will ever be that great of an investment just for money's sake. Mileage may be a factor in show only vehicles or for the people that just want bragging rights and there are plenty of low mile survivor cars for those people. I've seen low mileage vehicles run like crap and high mileage vehicles win show trophies. My point, unless you have a < 15,000 mile garage queen, don't worry about mileage, drive the thing.

If you don't get it, it is a good thing......:biggrin:
For the last 3 years I been averaging 500 miles a year. This year was less then 100 miles.
I drive it about 1500 imles a year - a lot of it 1/4 mile at a time!
I work out of the house so my DD only gets about 5000/year - mostly going skiing and to the kids soccer games.
107k 5/00
152k 11/06
154k Today

It's been broken into 3 times, first was within two weeks of owning it. It doesn't leave the garage now unless I will be staying in it, or it's within accurate "range":eek: I've considered selling it just because I only drive it about 500 miles a year now, but it can't be replaced for what I could get for it. Maybe after that certain movie comes out I could get $25k for it, LOL.
I drive it about 1200 mile a year,but last year i only drove it 600 mile
Well, seems like these cars are drivin more than i thought! I have owned my GN for almost 3 years now and i went out earlier today and checked my mileage and i have drove mine less than 300 miles!! That is going to change though cause I have been ordering parts for my stocker to say, speed things up!!!:D
When it's nice outside, I drive it. I just got it back in October. It had around 41k on the clock then. It's gonna hit 43k by next week probably. The mileage would be higher but it spent two months in a paint shop not being driven at all.

One of the reason I decided on this car is because the mileage wasn't so low that I would feel bad about driving it. It's kind of in that "just right" range. And I personally plan on putting plenty more miles on the clock. If I can't drive it, I don't want it. It would make for a pretty expensive 1:1 scale model I only look at in the garage IMO.
Ican't believe no one caught it......;)

Your must be dead from not driving it:biggrin:

I haven't driven mine since Jan '08 . The final parts(Morel lifters) were sent to RPE last week, as soon as he gets the right push rods it is done. Hope to put some numbers down at BG this year.

click, click?

Rmar, I guess no one else got it, that goes for me to! I guess i am a little slow!!:D
I do about 1.5K a year. When it was my daily, I did like 30K a year for 4 years ('97-'01).

Last year I only did about 500. Most of those were driving to the track. Had a busy summer. I hope to rack the miles up this year. I'd drive it to work everyday but my office is on the border of the ghetto.
Ronnie, don't tell me that was the sound of hand-cuffs

Haven't heard those in a while........:eek:

When some one ask at what mileage a car starts to loose its value and how many miles a car should have.

Back in the day a few of us may have known a guy,who knew a guy that
would click off miles to reach a desired value.

Or use could try the Ferris Bueller method......:biggrin:
miles driven

on avg about 1200 miles a year ,drive every year to bowling green there and back about 650 miles.
Well I get it now but would not of thought of that in a 100 years!! I simply asked the question of when the price would drop on a car the most at what mileage? My GN has 43k on it and did not want to drive it to,say, 50k and the price drop a bunch or keep it below 50k. I know the economy sucks now but it will get better[hope] and these cars have got to go up in value. I want to drive mine and i think 70 or 80k wont be to many miles on it in say another 3 to 5 years so it should be worth maybe the same then as it is now?? I am 55years old and dont plan on keeping the car when i am cripple,blind and crazy so i want to sell it someday and want it to bring all I can get!!:biggrin: