I loved that show!
The reason it got canceled was NBC moving it from timeslot to timeslot. Causing people to have trouble catching when it was on.
I loved that show!
The reason it got canceled was NBC moving it from timeslot to timeslot. Causing people to have trouble catching when it was on.

I just started it on Hulu! Don't spoil it for me, but does he find what he is looking for before they cancelled it?
I bought both seasons on iTunes.
I loved every episode. FX has Sarah Shahid? on Fairly Legal. She is beautiful and funny.
I wish they could find Charlie Crews something to do in this same genre. He is awesome.
Liked the show! Can't believe what they did to that GN!!!;) That's all you're getting from me Shane!!! That chic is hotttttttttt!!!!!
"Yo, don't look at my ride. You can't handle my ride." Sounds like me when I talk to me son. :biggrin:
Pure Awesomeness!