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GN Salvage Yards


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New Member
Mar 24, 2004
I am looking for east-coast GN salvage yards where i can look around for used GN drivetrain components. Anyone got any leads?:confused:
I don't know much about the east coast, but there are a few users in the parts for sale section that must have fields of the cars. I'm not sure the names, but they are close to BWEAVY, and Micheal McCoy.
You have about as good of a chance of finding a GN in a salvage yard as you do in hitting the lottery. If one does end up in a yard, it doesn't last long.
Well how about GN "specialists" with boat loads of cheap used GN parts that they are DESPERATE to get rid of? :D
I know where about 5 or 6 badly wrecked GN's are in this one yard. The guys name is Don Huges, its somewhere off of bankhead highway in austell, Ga. Private message me or email me and i'll see if i can hook you up with a phone number.
two excellant sources.. Mike is getting out of it now too so it looks like Brian is the best source..

Originally posted by mycarsucks
I don't know much about the east coast, but there are a few users in the parts for sale section that must have fields of the cars. I'm not sure the names, but they are close to BWEAVY, and Micheal McCoy.
Wanna-B-GN bring a truck, a big trailer, and a pocket full of cabbage when you come to N.C. & take all this mess back with you! Email me if you're serious about buying boat loads of stuff & I'll make you a good deal on it all. Thanks.
Last GN i saw in the salvage yard (well a rebuildable place) the guy wanted I think $2500 for it and the only thing salvageable was the trunk lid and the rear I offered him $250 and that was being generous it was a major fire in the car and outside the car

I know where about 5 or 6 badly wrecked GN's are in this one yard. The guys name is Don Huges, its somewhere off of bankhead highway in austell, Ga. Private message me or email me and i'll see if i can hook you up with a phone number.
i live in Ga and have 2 GN's looking for parts..85 and an 87. very familiar with bankhead hwy.. is he parting them out ?
*****Some people need a bit of time to respond to threads. Lots of good movies came out in 2004 !!!

Also, there may now be even more junkyards with GN's in them full of stuff like bumper fillers, powermaster brake switches,Powermaster accumulator bowls, nice and clean hoodliners, BRF Trannies, MAF hoses, chrome turn stalks, unbroken upper dash trim panels, and grey leather wrapped steering wheels with the nice horn button. Super cheap, you pull it....:oops:

I haven't seen a GN at a junkyard in a long time. It would be pretty cool to be able to go back in time , a happier time, when the yards were full of resto quality GN's just waiting with tons of parts on them for picking!!! People were thinner, the women had big hair, short skirts, and a loooong jacket, I had hair, and I could order my Dominos pizza and get it delivered within 20 minutes to avoid the Noid' and uhhh... go Mustang 5.0 hunting with my newish GN with the ATR chip and Red's fuel pump and hotwire kit. I think Steve Perry was still in Journey and David Lee Roth was still doing his jumping splits routine for Van Halen.

Mebbe this thread will pop up again soon!!!!
Back then the big yards didn't buy em that often. The small guys were the buyers at the auctions. :cool:
I'm in MD with a bunch of stuff from having multiple parts cars what are you looking for have drivetrain. To body parts
kirban 2 cents worth

iin my area 50 radius there are 5 you pulit yards maybe 20,000 cars total between them. I know them quite well basically great form of exercise if I find even one G body car every 3 months I am lucky even then they are gutted to the popular as jeeps are in my area....own a saturn you could build a fleet of them as they are basically untouched in the yards!

I member when I started in the GTO business talking abut going backin time....I had a towing business 3 trucks on the road you cold find gtos in yards I member 69 judge and the entire ram air kit was in the trunk....untouched....rare I member buying a junk 66 GTO engine partially stripped got it home to discover the holy grail....had round port heads bing ram air IV block and heads was in this car....ram air 4 was the holy grail was not out til 69 so would not expec tofind it in a 66 gto...

my background is gto prior to the turbo world....equally known in that world as well....

even yugos are scarce in yards today...
kirban 2 cents worth

iin my area 50 radius there are 5 you pulit yards maybe 20,000 cars total between them. I know them quite well basically great form of exercise if I find even one G body car every 3 months I am lucky even then they are gutted to the popular as jeeps are in my area....own a saturn you could build a fleet of them as they are basically untouched in the yards!

I member when I started in the GTO business talking abut going backin time....I had a towing business 3 trucks on the road you cold find gtos in yards I member 69 judge and the entire ram air kit was in the trunk....untouched....rare I member buying a junk 66 GTO engine partially stripped got it home to discover the holy grail....had round port heads bing ram air IV block and heads was in this car....ram air 4 was the holy grail was not out til 69 so would not expec tofind it in a 66 gto...

my background is gto prior to the turbo world....equally known in that world as well....

even yugos are scarce in yards today...
I like Goats also, if not for what I have now it would be one again. So freakin easy to work on, especially the engines, what a great design. Have you noticed how many sheeple are taking Lemans, Tempests and cloning them as GTOs and asking a price like it was the real deal. Someone has a tri-power setup and asking $2500 and another $1,000 and both have been there for well over a month. Bought a whole setup for $50 iirc in 1974. I've heard of inflation and hard to get but obviously way too much since the have sit that long. And not even the right Pontiac light blue or light blue metallic engine color.
P.S. I know your favorite year is 74 and #2 is 73!:):)