GNX on Out for Justice

Watch the show and then tell us what you think.

Watch when the car drives by and you can see the grand national emblems.
Gnx's did not come with the emblems. They replaced them with the vents.
Still a great movie and a great car. There was a post about this car I think a couple years back. You would have to do a search.
I did watch it again and you can see the emblems on the fender and it does not have the fender vents. Still looks good. Mike
Theres a GN in "Menace To Society" in the scene where they go to get revenge on the guys that killed the main characters cousin. Not the best movie but when that movie first hit the theaters it turned the GN into my dream car....that was about 15 years ago!

I seen it and heard it mentioned on the Movie. Yes, ther was one on Miami Vice it had about to shots of it. It wasn't a GNX though just a GN. I have the Box set of Miami Vice.
GN's in movies

Several years back someone had a website that had clips of all the movies that had GN's in them. Cannot seem to find it anymore.