
Staff member
May 24, 2001
Congrats Man!! You know you're getting fast when they ban you!

His first run of the night, was a 11.60 at 118 MPH! :cool: I think he was told to turn it down at that point. :D
Roll bar time!!!:) Gee, everyone's catching me up!!!:eek: So.... what were the results of the Ford vs Buick???? While I'm busting my okole at work.:D
I'm still at work too!

Just getting updates from Tommy! :D

As I'm posting this, Jackson just ran a personal best of 11.73 @ 115MPH! Congrats man!! :cool:
Congrat's on all the new times!!!! I feel ALITTLE better knowing someone else is also working.;) I'm only about 5 min. from the track....... yet so far.......:rolleyes:
Well...... At least being able to be websurf on Turbo Buick.com helps! :D
Jackson got banned too :D 11.7. I cut a .519 light 2.1 60' and at 14.5@94mph with the tires that came with the car. possible high 13s on DRs or Slicks. Koa, Guy and Greg did great too. We solved parts for Koa's problems with a boost solenoid I had in the back seat of my car and turned 13s. Guy still searching for his 11s and Greg stable in the 12s.

1st BSM
2nd HFPC
3rd Buick
Congrats again to Gerald and Jackson for their new personal bests... and for getting BANNED!! :D

I hope you guys decide to install rollbars! The Buick camp can't stand to lose two 11-second cars. :cool:

I should had not had try to do that last run at 11.55p.m :D. Chris (HRP) said to Gerold "#51 and #52 BANNED! :D

But dam there were some fast Camaro's and a few fast Mustangs.......One of the Stangs blew a HG and another had problems so they lost a two cars so a few of the BSM guys had by runs....I think half the team were running NOS

Banned! it feels good! I mean Dang! it feels good! Thanks Nelson for the pit crew and truck. Thats the bomb.

On side of being banned Jackson, (even though it's like bitter sweet) we gotta get some fast cars out there next time. Like the other teams, we gotta get the buicks with the rollbars to compete. Those other guys cars all had rollcages. The bulk of them were all in the mid to low 11's too. :( Don't get me wrong because I still had fun but, boy did we get our butts Wip! I wasw having flashbacks of my youth when my mother would give me lickens, rest a bit and then come back for round two! Dang, we got spanked, and then spanked again, and then spanked all over again. Lucky for me the track guy was mad and, I was just fortunate enough to have been banned, and didn't have to go through a final round of woop a$$! I still woke up this morning and I'm still having a hard time sitting down.:eek: Sorry guys, we didn't bring home the bacon:( .
Jackson and Gerald

Congratulations on getting Banned.:D Congrats on those new times and MPH's.
Congratulation guys!!! Sorry I couldn't support the Buicks but like I said, I was at the car show checking out cars;) Since you guys ragged on me about going there, NO video tapes for you guys:eek: :p :D :D
I didn't rag you............yet. So I'll be expecting to see those video clips.;) Congrats on the 1st placings:D
I didn't rag you too.....

In fact look my reply....I stook up for you....I'll take a video please.......Then I can give um to the guys who was raggin you:D
Congrats on your 11 second runs guys.
It was a pleasure meeting (and racing) you and we look forward to the next shootout..
We (BSM) just happened to be the lucky guys that night.
Hopefully the mext meet will result in more new"bests" for all the clubs.
BSM Performance
Congrats to the BSM team for their awesome performance in winning the match. Congrats to the Buick team also for a hard fought match with the cars that were able to run. We ourselves need to regroup and come out stronger the next time. But, all in all, it was a fun time with lots of food and drinks. And we are getting to know each other better and having more fun with it. Great racing by all.
We had a great time with you guys too. Hopefully next time Jackson and I will be able to run without being banned. We had a blast meeting, and horsing around with you guys. The food was great too.

Until next time.....:D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool:

Hey any hits on Rollbars.......Custom bent, or prefab?
Gerald, How about the guy that did the red/white honda(the fast one) roll bars. I think he said $600 to the floor for our cars.
which honda? the Evolutionz Drag Civic? Thats the only fast honda I know with red & white.