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Good News...No, GREAT News


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Senior Member
May 24, 2001
I've had a health problem for about 6 years. It's called Barrett's Syndrome. It's caused by many years of acid reflux burning away the lining in the esophagus. Once this lining is burned away the esophagus is unprotected from whatever goes down the throat and into the stomach. It's a pre-cancerous condition.

They found this when I went to the doc 6 years ago about my constant heartburn. I'd always had heartburn and just considered it a side affect from heavy drinking.

For the past 6 years I've had to go yearly to a specialist for a "camera job." They'd stick a camera down my throat and take pictures and at the same time take chunk of my esophagus in order to do a biopsy.

Today I went for the results of my latest biopsy....of course fearing the worse, as I do each time, of finally hearing the words, "You have esophageal cancer."

The first words the doctor spoke were "Your biopsy looks good but....." and at this point I stopped breathing.

"We can't find any evidence of Barrett's."

Wowzer. After questioning him a little he simply said the pathologist said there wasn't any evidence of Barrett's.

Perhaps I never had this condition at all....since Barretts doesn't heal.....and they screwed up. But who cares. I am officially no longer waiting for cancer to

Hey, now I can make some long term decisions.

Yep, decision made....tomorrow I'm going to fill up my tank.
:D :D
Do you still have acid reflux?
I too have acid reflux but now I take meds for more prolems.

BTW...great news not being cancerous.
Thanks guys.

Glenn....yep, I have to take Aciphex every day. I've tried to cut it down to one pill every second day since I hate being reliant on pills.... but then I'll feel some heartburn so I guess I'm stuck with one-a-day.

Much nicer than the alternative. :)
my girlfriend has it too:(, as if she wasnt on enough meds:eek:

p.s. Good to hear your good and well, now fill up your tank , you born agian buick driver!;)
I have been on aciphex for about a month and a half and heartburn is a thing of the past. Before i would not leave the house without pepsid ac and a pocket full of tums. Going to the doc for this was a very smart move.
Great news man!
Tried taking a Prevpak antibiotic treatment and Prevacid but it didn't work. Congrat's on the news, that's gotta be a big general stress reliever.
Originally posted by ChrisCairns
I've had a health problem for about 6 years. It's called Barrett's Syndrome. It's caused by many years of acid reflux burning away the lining in the esophagus. Once this lining is burned away the esophagus is unprotected from whatever goes down the throat and into the stomach. It's a pre-cancerous condition.

They found this when I went to the doc 6 years ago about my constant heartburn. I'd always had heartburn and just considered it a side affect from heavy drinking.

For the past 6 years I've had to go yearly to a specialist for a "camera job." They'd stick a camera down my throat and take pictures and at the same time take chunk of my esophagus in order to do a biopsy.

Today I went for the results of my latest biopsy....of course fearing the worse, as I do each time, of finally hearing the words, "You have esophageal cancer."

The first words the doctor spoke were "Your biopsy looks good but....." and at this point I stopped breathing.

"We can't find any evidence of Barrett's."

Wowzer. After questioning him a little he simply said the pathologist said there wasn't any evidence of Barrett's.

Perhaps I never had this condition at all....since Barretts doesn't heal.....and they screwed up. But who cares. I am officially no longer waiting for cancer to

Hey, now I can make some long term decisions.

Yep, decision made....tomorrow I'm going to fill up my tank.
:D :D

That's great news Chris.
Now you can kick Chuck's butt and live a long time to enjoy it!:D
Chucks azz??

The Radius kid said:
"That's great news Chris.
Now you can kick Chuck's butt and live a long time to enjoy it!"
I guess he took my advice, and quit french kissin those cows at BG! I told him they'd make his throat sore!!

You folks not worry bout ol Chuck.!! It's the farm animal kingdom that's in REAL danger now!!:eek: :eek: :p

Glad to hear you are improving!!

[I was afraid you'd use that, and your age, as an excuse when I wear your a$$ out!!]
That is great news. Go enjoy life.

I have had acid reflux disease for about 4 years now. I have changed medicine 4 times. I am now on Nexium which is the best so far. I still take tums a lot. I think it gets worse with stress.

I am glad to see someone undertsands my pain. Most of the people I know think I am a wimp because I can't handle a belly ache.

I go to the doctor every year and so far no major damage to my throat. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Re: Chucks azz??

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
The Radius kid said:
"That's great news Chris.
Now you can kick Chuck's butt and live a long time to enjoy it!"
I guess he took my advice, and quit french kissin those cows at BG! I told him they'd make his throat sore!!

You folks not worry bout ol Chuck.!! It's the farm animal kingdom that's in REAL danger now!!:eek: :eek: :p

Glad to hear you are improving!!

[I was afraid you'd use that, and your age, as an excuse when I wear your a$$ out!!]

I don't think there's anything to worry about about with you Chuck.
The lord don't want you and the devil's scared you'll take over!
BTW,do you know where I can find er,ah,large sized breath mints?
I have this rather "bovine" taste in my mouth this morning.;) :eek: :eek:
Great News! Now go celebrate by drinking it up at your favorite mexican resturant! :)
