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Chicks Dig the powerbulge
Dec 15, 2003
C.A.R.B is at it Again With Another Law on Race Gas - Street Legal TV Forums

The purpose of this advisory is to inform refiners, blenders, importers, and distributors of racing fuel of the regulations and requirements concerning the supply, sales, and use of gasoline used in racing vehicles (referred to herein as "racing fuel" or "racing gasoline") in California. This advisory applies only to motor vehicles. See the definition of "motor vehicle" below.

i can see it now,

drive to track

find pit area

remove license plate

tech in

get fuel

race all day

pit, install license plate

drive home
So I put this here just to get an opinion does this cover methanol. You can always buy it at the track and take it home but what would happen if you tried to buy meth at the track for your licensed TR.

Seems to suggest they could prevent the sale because it's not an road fuel