So Ive been kinda bored with the buicks lately and a couple months ago decided I wanted to relive my youth with a dodge omni-plymouth horizon but believe it or not these little cars have gotten pretty hard to find and the ones that do pop up for sale don't seem to be forsale for long. Well I was kinda looking for a 85-86 omni glh turbo but they only made like 5500 of them in total nearly 30 years ago and not many left. Everybodys dream omni is the 1 of 500 glhs shelby omni but I figured finding a reasonably priced project in mostly rust free condition in the northeat within driving distance would be tough. Well I found a 2 owner car both owners were friends and I got the whole story from is glhs #30 and owner 1 went to Detroit to pick it up from maryland. I picked it up late october. Car had 1 repaint like 15 years ago and the engine redone once do to a head gasket letting go. So once I got it home a dropped a battery in and hoped fr the best and it wasn't starting. Car was sitting like 8 years so I figured bad gas so I thought maybe if I splashed a bunch of fresh stuff in it would start. So I was gonna put like $12 in but the car would only take $8 so I knew I had a full tank. Tried startING with some fresh gas and it was a no go.then I realized the fuel pump was turning on so my brother and I checked the fuses only to find everything was ok. I then realized I had a fuel pump problem. So now I got a full tank of gas and the tank has to come out. I jack up the car pull off the rear passenger wheel to make clearance because the fill tube needs to come out and the wheels in the way. I unhook the fill spout from the body. Unhook the wires and hoses. Unbolt the tank and lower it slowly then I enevitably have to pull the fill tube from the tank and next thing you know about 5 gallons of gas all over the floor inside my shop NOT GOOD !!!!. cleaned up the mess and yanked the sending unit from the tank only to find it all a rusty mess in there . So I need a new tank,sending unit ,fill spout and new fuel pump.this is where I'm currently at with this project.
I have a horizon and a omni back in 1994-96 but they were tbi and non turbo and I had a lot of fun with those cars with 92 horsepower and 2000 pound car. Like I said just kinda wanted to relive my youth. Except now I'm a little older and wiser now. This omni is 175 hp stock and there are guys that have made 500 plus hp with these little engines which is ridiculous in a 2000 pound car. I figured once I learned the car maybe do some bolt ons and make 300hp perhaps. Also these are suppose to handle pretty well and parts are cheap compared to our buicks
Back in the early 90's my friend had one of the shelby's here in MA. That thing was quick.
Fun car. Have fun with the build.
Wow. You just gave me all kind of memories.
I remember the first time I saw the dodge shelby. It was a 2 door blue car and i believe it had a Shelby sticker on the front fender or something. First words out of my mouth were “thats a shelby?” and i laughed. then i went for a ride. No more laughing.
Another friend of mine had a Dodge Datona turbo Z. That thing was awesome as well. We used to keep right up with Irocs and mustangs.
I remember those! Worked at a dodge dealer when I was a kid. Another one I remember was a dodge spirit RT turbo 5 spd. Cool sedan if there ever was one.
Cool pickup! I always loved those 80's dodge shelby cars. I had an 87 Shelby Z for a few years. Some guys have done some pretty crazy things with these cars and motors. If I had the space and money I'd totally get another turbo dodge.
I preferred this steering wheel the most.