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9 Sec Wanna-Be
May 25, 2001
Well, not the kind YOU'RE thinking of...ha-ha! It's a 1988 Buick LeSabre T-Type. Black with grey and black interior....ala Grand National! It's pretty ragged but the body appears to be in very good shape. No repaint other than someone rattle canning it on the top. The black leather seats need to be reupholstered and the arm rests need some more support...missing screws and sagging. It definitely needs some TLC and a turbocharged drivetrain. I'm thinking MAJOR mods....RWD with a LC2, 200-4R and a 8.5" out in the back! Wishful thinking...:D If the Grand National would have continued on with a body style change, this is what it should have looked like but rear wheel drive.

The first photo is a photoshopped picture of how I'd like for it to look. Basically stock with some fancy "trick":rolleyes: paint on the rims to make it appear like in this photo below...


These pics are not photoshopped...





A friend of mine bought this as his first new car. Rode nice and pretty luxurious for the time. Would be nasty with a gn setup.
I have always liked them.... Tried to buy one a while ago but couldn't get together on a price!
I ve got a rebuilt 3.8 motor and trans out of a 87 lasabre with less than 500 miles on it if you ever need it,$1000. For the motor and $500. For the trans-this is less than half what it cost me to have it rebuilt, the car got sideswipped and totalled 3 days after the rebuilds. Matt 347-680-8642.
I don't think I have any documentation on it anymore. It would have been registered to Korey's dad. We bought it around the end of June, or early July in 1998 from a small car dealer in High Point, then sold it to a friend of a friend who worked at Galloway Buick in Greensboro. I'm sorry to say, that car was possessed far worse than even kh440 could imagine:eek:WE got rid of it after the wiring harness started frying with me and Korey in it.Smoke was rolling out of the dash, wonderful electrical smell. Had to do with the redneck engineering his Dad did on the 3rd brake light wiring. Car would do funky things, like when you put on brakes it would eject the tapes, or other lights on the dash would go out,turn signals would blink, etc. Also had a bazzillion door dings on the doors. Only good thing I can say about it was that it looked good when it was raining and it had comfy seats. Throw some holy water on it, or carry a bible in the dash:biggrin:
Throw some holy water on it, or carry a bible in the dash:biggrin:

Haha, I'll bet it is the car you had just because of the date, the town and the next town the car was registered in.

As far as those problems, it's not doing any of that stuff you mentioned so evidently someone must have fixed them or this wasn't the car. And you're right, it looks better wet!:D