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Gotta be smarter than the theives....


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asrnj77 said:
I looked into the Ravelco device. Actually seems pretty good. They quoted me $359 installed on my buick. Not cheap but check out the testomonials and such....

Damn- After reading them I am NOT moving to Texas!
So has anyone noticed that the blue book value on our cars are only 3800-4600. The insurance is trying to mess with me... but Its a good thing that I happen to know an appraiser. Thanks everyone for the input, I will definitly beef up the car security. Ill make sure to get pictures after I get her back. But right now it feels like its not going to be for a while.
What insurance company do u have?

I ask that because..Now dont take this the wrong way, Im not accusing u of insurance fraud, but Im shocked they are not giving u a hard time about the claim. The circumstances seem a lil strange especially the items left in the car. I got dropped by state farm years ago after they paid on a claim I put thru, cuz they were suspicious. All that money they take from us over the years then they get stupid when they have to give a lil back!
Brer Rabbit said:
I ask that because..Now dont take this the wrong way, Im not accusing u of insurance fraud, but Im shocked they are not giving u a hard time about the claim. The circumstances seem a lil strange especially the items left in the car. I got dropped by state farm years ago after they paid on a claim I put thru, cuz they were suspicious. All that money they take from us over the years then they get stupid when they have to give a lil back!
Like Chris Rock said, Insurance should be called "in case ****". Now if **** doesnt happen, shouldnt I get my money back? :D
asrnj77 said:
I looked into the Ravelco device. Actually seems pretty good. They quoted me $359 installed on my buick. Not cheap but check out the testomonials and such....
According to their ad, the steering column collar does not work.

"7. STEERING COLUMN COLLARS - Now nearly obsolete, these devices are worthless in terms of theft protection. All a thief has to do is reach below the dash; pry the ignition switch off the topside of the steering column post, exposing a rod; and pull the rod upward, allowing the vehicle to start."

Do you guys think the steering column collar is a waste of time? I know nothing is perfect, but is it at least worth the effort?

PS Are you guys in Texas sober yet after winning the Rose Bowl?
My "new" 87 theft.....

I ordered an 87 GN WAAAAAAY back in late 86, took 6 months to get from GM. Months later I go to see my Girlfriend at work on a Saturday afternoon. Go in to the store, see her, talk for two minutes, come out and my car is GONE. :mad: :mad:
You are SOOOO lucky you put the kill switch in. Every thief still remembers how easy it is to steal a GN. {General Motors should be slapped for this mistake!!!} :confused:

Like the other boardmembers say......keep a loaded gun close by and DONT park your GN in a public place away from your sight!! ;)
Best Security Device?

I'm getting ready to buy a GN- unfortunately, I live in an area where if I don't have the BEST security on it, it won't be there the next morning- I don't have a garage, either-
What do y'all think is the best combination of security devices? I was planning on going with the steering column collar (how much do those cost, anyway) and a viper alarm but then this Ravelco thing sounds better in combination with the steering column collar, and I was going to block the GN in the drive with my friend's Taurus -

I'm not going to buy a gun- that's not a good idea for several reasons, and I am not going to ruin a beautiful car by putting our dog inside of it. But I would like to know if anyone has actually tried this Ravelco thing and what your recommendations are-
That Revelco thing sounds just like a proposal someone made several years, either here or on the old mailing list. Homebuilt deal. If I remember correctly, say you picked 3 critical circuits that go into the ecm. Lets say MAF, spark, and ecm power. Cut those wires on their way to the ecm and run them into a 7 pin female serial port connector from a computer. Run 3 black wires from the same connector back to the ecm. Then take the male side that plugs into the serial port connector and make little jumpers that go from the female inlet pin to the matching female outlet pin. So, when the male part is plugged in, the circuit is completed, the signal comes in to the female connector, goes into the male connector, jumps over to another pin, then goes back out the female connector and on into the ecm. You make all the wires in and out of the connector black to make it hard to trace, and you mix up the ins and outs, and voila, you have this Revelco thing for a lot cheaper. Just take the male side with you when you go and no one can start the car, even if they had the keys. Of course the more circuits you interrupt, the tougher it is to figure out. Maybe use a 9 pin connector and do 4 circuits. Always seemed like a real good idea to me. Just takes a bit of courage to get down there and start cutting wires. I'm sure a little research will turn up the original idea, I bet it was on the mailing list.

asrnj77 said:
I looked into the Ravelco device. Actually seems pretty good. They quoted me $359 installed on my buick. Not cheap but check out the testomonials and such....

Don't even think about getting that. You can do a hidden switch or get one of those starter kill chips that is simular to that Ravelco device. This part that I am mentioning is only like $10-15, someone at e-bay is selling it for $5.99

Don't believe all that crap about the Ravelco device when the starter kill chips does the same thing and it even comes with 2 keys (keys are numbered) and plus look how ugly that thing is.
My advice is to go with a good alarms system installed through a very reputable shop. It's don't have to be the best system because the cheaper system will do the exact same job.

Add features like a back-up battery/siren and a horn honk. 2-way excellent choice is you are in good range.
Good subject, I've been meaning to do something to mine, but haven't yet. I'll have to move it up to the top of my list of things to do. Since TR's won't start with the orange wire by the battery disconnected, it seems like it would be really easy to splice in some wiring with a hidden switch ran to the interior. Has anybody tried this, or are there better ways to hook up kill switches?
Welby said:
Since TR's won't start with the orange wire by the battery disconnected, it seems like it would be really easy to splice in some wiring with a hidden switch ran to the interior.

You can easily get the 12v orange wire at the ecm instead of running it from the engine compartment.

Make sure you use a HD switch not one of those cheapy on/off toggles because this supplies 12v to the computer, hide it in a good location where it won't get bumped while driving.
Seat cover and a piece of plywood with sharpened nails ... lay it on the DS seat and place the seat cover ontop of it... many theives drop into the car very quickly to jab the column and remove stereo... if your nails are sharp enough and car is close enough to house, you wont need an alarm, his screams will be plenty loud enough... not to mention you've just crippled his runaway speed making catching him with a fury of leadpipe-ed-ness a cinch. If the board is long enough hopefully you rupture his femoral artery(s) and he may even bleed to death...

Don't shoot him, you will find yourself on trial instead :mad: There are particular rules to self defense and most times they go against you when all you want is to just shoot someone.

JDEstill said:
That Revelco thing sounds just like a proposal someone made several years, either here or on the old mailing list. Homebuilt deal. ... I'm sure a little research will turn up the original idea, I bet it was on the mailing list.
Good memory John. Here's the article on that method at :cool:

I built one of these, tossed my Club and put one of those permanant Hard-Steal stainless colllars on my column. That's been protecting my car for many years now.

Note - I don't think the Hard-Steal brand collars are being made anymore.
For starter's get a peice of ply-wood and drive some nice long finishing nails througout the wood, doesnt have to be big!!! Get a can of spray paint that matches the color of your seat as best as possible, and put it on the seat whenever you get out of the car!!! My buddie came out to his 70 Trans Am one day being out with the car to find it was broken into, but their was blood all over the board/nails :eek: :eek: :eek: NOW THATS SATISFACTION!
But over all, any alarm is only as good as you can actually hear the friken thing go off!!!! Cause dont expect anyone else to really pay attention. Steadfast collars are decent, and scare off most joyriders, but I beleive the best thing is to put hidden cutoff's, fuel/spark/ECM. That way, only a tow truck is getting it!!! But if the car is sweet, you really shouldnt be just leaving it anywhere!!!!!!!! Iknow if I found someone breaking into my car,
I would be going to jail that night!!!!!!!
Better yet, why hasn't anyone invented a COIL PACK ELECTROCUTION DEVICE??

Simply run 12 volts to your coil pack, and disperse the energy throughout the chassis.

Imagine remotely arming this thing so that when a would be thief touches anything METAL on your car, like your door handles, steering/ignition lock he would receive about 80,000 Volts through his body, causing probable death. :smile:

And the beauty is, there would be NO mess, No blood, no stains on your perfect interior, just a Corpse with a slim-jim in his hand.

Dis-Arm the device, call 911.......tell the cops he must have had a heart attack because your car waz so Kool ! :D
Well theres a little problem there associated with voltage vs. amps. He'll get a jolt that will piss him off, but not kill him. I enjoyed the post though, lol.
I was thinking of making something like ford does with their alarms. If you attempt to steal the car, and the system fries and totally disables the car. Not sure what exactly fries, but somehow all electrical gets killed. Maybe make something that fries EVERY fuse in the fusebox, or at least the important ones if they try to jump it without knowing about the anti theft switch. When my cobra got stolen, they had pulled the cover out of the way in the trunk, that covers the collision switch for the fuel pump. They had some circuit board hanging out of the steering column that they tried to jump somehow. The column was busted. All the fuses were blown. The battery was dead for some reason. I mean the entire electrical system had NO power. They tried everything. 3 days later someone called the cops and said they saw some old beat up car pushing a brand new cobra down the street. It didnt look right, so they called. They had torn the hell out of the rear bumper by pushing it, but other than that and the other things, they didnt screw up anything else. They even left complete handprints all over the back of the car, including leaving their tools in the car, but they still never got caught. They must have been from out of the country or state or something and off the print database. Needless to say I never left my car outside at night again.
My security device has thwarted 2 attempts on the Limited, although at $150 a pop to fix the column I may buy some kind of protection for it.
i have a solution to your problem`

get a car alarm and pistol with agulia IQ rounds they break into 4 pieces inside ounce they enter the body and have extremley high velocity outputs
over 1500 fps in a 5 inch .45!!!!! and they are only $20 bucks for 12 rounds
and they do go though a level 2 vest . they will kill period. next time, when you hear that new car alarm go off, blow his/hers mutha#$%@!~* head off and watch them bleed out with your boot on thier throat!!!!!!! :mad:

just a friendly word of advice :D
Phatman said:
Sorry to heat about your car. I still have my GN, but two years ago someone broke into my shop and took thousands of dollars worth of tools and parts.

Dogs have seemed to help so far.

Check this out, this may be another option....

Have you got a part # on the "Trunk Monkey"

I just have to have one of those !! :biggrin: :D :D ;)