Grout filling engine block

Jun 9, 2010
Is part filling the TB engine with engine grout (hard block) something thats deemed needed? when i say part filled up to the lowest part of the water pump galleries on the front of the block.
Any other people doing this with their engine builds?
TB newbie
I have done this on many 109 and 4.1 blocks for many years with great success on 9 and 10 sec. builds. :)

With a forged crank, rods and 2 steel center caps, I feel that this method is as good, or better than adding a girdle.

I am building a 109 block with forged internal now just like described with caps and hard block.
and you can take that to the bank. Use a heater hose to create a path from the water pump ports to the top of the hard block
just finished doing 2nd bank today
the moroso instuctions say its for strength and can help reduce harmonics in the engine. with the block levelled up on the engine stand its only a small amount of grout really...ill update when the cars running again if i notice any temp change