Guess the car......

Here you go . . . try this one. years makes and models

kirban 2 cents worth

I have a feeling the answer lies on the wording on the valve cover we can't see or at least a major clue...

most newer foreign stuff stumps me. I'd say japanese company....for starters...

end of ideas for me.

Guess This

guess what this POS is. there is about 10 of these behind my place


  • IMG_2230.JPG
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Looks like a Metro on the left. So, I'm guessing that there both metros?
68 Olds Tornodo. I think that these were one of the first front wheel drive cars in the US.
kirban 2 cents worth

I agree except its not original or some sort of prototype based on the tornado...that and the riv at the time had to be 5,000 lb boats....or close to it. Should have a chrome bumper.


on a side note on the reason it flopped in the market place was people had trouble pronoucing the name...I always called the muckurs....actually I never owned one but Pete Serio (the window rattle guy) did years ago bought one with a bad engine.....
I want to build a Metropolitan funny car, just so I could call it NITROMETRO! I would run a mountian mutton motor with a mutha fogger.

It's been done. Gary Wells and I saw one at a Huntington Beach car show a week or two ago. The thing had a huge wing on the back. Sounded like it had at least a 1500 HP engine in it.

Mike B.
It's been done. Gary Wells and I saw one at a Huntington Beach car show a week or two ago. The thing had a huge wing on the back. Sounded like it had at least a 1500 HP engine in it.

Mike B.

I seen one awhile back at Goodguys cruise. I lived in Anaheim before I moved up here.
But im talking 6000 HP, love the Nitro. I would eat it for breakfast, NITROFLAKES!
kirban 2 cents worth

One in my neighborhood too, tubbed license tag reads "thumper".....its the typical green and white colors they used in their day.....

Nothing like starting out with the lightest vehicle possible and plumbing it with massive horsepower. Also a choice like this elminates seeing another at the same event.
