Guess the car......

Post 435 Experimental Car

1956 Oldsmobile Golden Rocket

When you opened the door part of the roof lifted up, the seat raised up and swiveled out, and the steering wheel could also be folded forward (kind of down and away to facilitate entry.
Post 435 Experimental Car

1956 Oldsmobile Golden Rocket

When you opened the door part of the roof lifted up, the seat raised up and swiveled out, and the steering wheel could also be folded forward (kind of down and away to facilitate entry.

"theamcguy" you're RIGHT! :wink:

Claude. :)

Here's another one:
We are still guessing on post#436. Please do not post any more photo's until 436 is satisfied.

There may be a better way to do this, the original structure was to post a picture, wait until that one was answered than the person who guessed it has to post a photo.

I know it's hard to "sit" on a photo, but this has started to get a little confusing.

I will try to do a photo count later and get this contest back on track.

I'm glad it has taken an interest and hope to see it reach epic post count!:biggrin:

Post#436 is Guess the Car #55. Claude's will be #56.

After 55 and 56 have been satisfied, try to post you photo with the corresponding GTC #. Then all replies to them should have the GTC# in it to avoid confusion.


ps. If you would rather use the post# for the submission, that would work to, but we should all agree on something.

My $.02
63 Chevy II Super Sport?

kirban 2 cents worth

still wrong year wrong model...


sorry did not try and butt in but some people get antsy when their is a lull plus if this thread falls off the first page could be tougher to catch peoples eyes...

Plus I have won several times and can't get a photo up real quick since I have to go thru another source....just my thoughts....

I know others have also posted photos too when their is a lull....

I guess if numbers are tough to keep track of they should put persons name or something with their guess?

Maybe stick with us production cars to involve more guesses?

Just my thoughts....


advise if you do not want to me post anything here when their is a lull in posts...
The "filler car" between postings is great. Some of the real good ones have been a result of the lull. Just associate a number or identifier to it so we know what guess goes to what car.

The conversation in between and even during has also been great. Maybe I'm the only one that sees it getting a little cluttered. Maybe that's just the nature of a thread like this.

Either way, I'm happy with it.:biggrin:

It's a two seater. I see a checkerboard flag on the fender. Could it be a Corvette prototype?:confused:

Mike B.