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Happy Thanksgiving


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Oct 23, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to all my GN and Ttype Brothers and Sisters. I must say I am very thankful for all the new people I was blessed to meet this year.
To everyone that came to our first GN/Ttype Get Together which we had 42 cars show despite the rain and those that showed up to the second Get Together which we had 89 cars Show, Thank you for making it out and making it one of the greatest turnout ever.
It was fun hearing All the stories, and knowledge from everyone.
I am extremely greatful for all the vendors who supported our GN/Ttype Events with their wonderful donations and products. Thank you for all you do for us.
Spoolfool, HRPartsandstuff, Highwaystars, FullThrottle, Champion just to name a few.

To all that have Joined our GN/Ttype Central group on Facebook we also thank you and are looking forward to much more in terms of Get Togethers and more.

God Bless Everyone and your families. May God Continue to Bless us all.
Thank you and the same to all here in our TR family. God bless you all.

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U tooo!! Turkey!! Turkey!! Turkey!!!

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