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HD DVD or Blue Ray?


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This is what I have been playing this year.

-Bioshock (Finished)
-Halo 3 (Finished)
-Final Fantasy XI (it sucked my life away for a while)

-Assasin's Creed (On last Mob)
-Resistance Fall of Man (Finished)

Of course I have more but I have not much time to play this year
with my baby being born.

I am hoping to pick up Mass Effect for X360 and DMC4 and MGS4 for PS3 next.
Not to highjack...but you have to get Call of Duty 4 for the 360. If you get a chance, hit me up -KILLA N LEXTOWN:cool:
I recommend 1080 if you can afford it, definitely since it is a 50" set. The format war shows no signs of letting up according to industry news. I have Blu-Ray becuase of the PS3. All of the new Disney stuff is Blu, so if you have young kids...
Oh yeah, If any of you PS3 guys are looking to play send me an invite.

PSN Id: Smurf_Byte
Hd Dvd

Pick up an HD DVD Player for $129.

Blu Ray doesn't have their act together and still haven't locked in on a standard (i.e. profile 1.0,1.2,2.0, etc.)
...and remember who created beta - SONY! DOH.
Regardless of which way you choose to go LCD or Plasma you better think about what you are going to feed into it. Regular TV will look grainy on the screen unless you have high definition satellite or cable. I currently have high definition through Dish Network however not all channels are HD. You can also get free HD on your local channels through the air ways on prime time TV.
I remember the days of Beta, VHS and even Laser Disc. DVD technology has come a long way because I remember when they said DVD would never be any better than 480i. It is way too early in the game to see who is going to win the format wars and this is obviously a technology market. This means in one year whatever you choose is going to be outdated anyway.
It seems like only yesterday I was building my entertainment system with a 6.1 surround and now I am up to 8.1 surround.
Narrowed my choices down to the following:


Samsung LN-T4671F
Samsung LN-T4665F
Sony KDL46XBR4



Panasonic TH50PZ700U
Panasonic TH50PZ77U

The Sony would probably be your best choice there with the LCD. Panasonic makes good plasma sets(Very good balck level performance).

I believe that Runco makes the best sets. You can only find them at high-end shops. I have a Runco LCD and love it. They do cost a little more but I think they are worth it. Check out their website. Runco International—The World's Finest Home Theater
Get the 4665. I have a 5265. It has a glossy screen vs. the matte' screen. Some poo-poo and say the glare is annoying but all the CRT TVs we've ever had were glossy obviously and we enjoyed those. You also get the 15000:1 contrast ratio and it does help. Blacks are black. I would try to get one of those adjustment DVDs to "tune" it in. I have one but it's at home; has test patterns and an array of exercises to go through; almost 30 minutes worth. I could give you all my settings for a baseline if that would help.

Before you buy, check HIDEF Lifestyle!, The Most Trusted AV Source Very good experience for me buying there. I paid shipping but didn't have to pay you-know-what; they delivered it to my door, into my house, insured.
Narrowed my choices down to the following:


Panasonic TH50PZ700U
Panasonic TH50PZ77U


Just bought a Panasonic TH42PZ77U two weeks ago. Absolutely no regrets so far. The only thing I dislike is the remote, it doesn't fit well in the hand and buttons were not laid out very well.
I've got the 50' panasonic Viera plasma and I love it. One thing to think of when making the LCD vs. Plasma choice is the room your putting it in. LCD's are better suited for rooms that have a high amount of light saturation and plasma screens have a piece of glass over them so they can have glare issues.
I've got the 50' panasonic Viera plasma and I love it. One thing to think of when making the LCD vs. Plasma choice is the room your putting it in. LCD's are better suited for rooms that have a high amount of light saturation and plasma screens have a piece of glass over them so they can have glare issues.

The Panasonic Viera I bought has an anti-glare screen. I bought mine at HH Gregg and they had both glare/glass and anti-glare models in the 42" size. Can't speak for 50"
finally, purchased.

Well guys, i finally made my decision and went out this weekend and went to HH Gregg and plunked down the cash!


Sony KDL46XBR4

Love it!!

I was nearly set to get a plasma, but did some more in depth research and found many complaints of the heat they generate and the power they consume. Sears had a 50" plasma and a 50" lcd on display right next to each other (same brand). The heat billowing out the top of the plasma was to say the least "horrendeous", even off the front of the screen.

So, It came down to the Sony KDL46XBR4 or Samsung LNT4671F. After more research I found that Sony uses Samsung LCD displays! I didn't mind that because in my business it's well known that Samsung makes the highest qualtiy LCD's.
But when comparing the two down to the nitpicky details, the Sony has much more robust electronics and processors running the display.
Little things, like the Sony has a true 24P cinema mode that the Sam doesn't claim.
Sony also has a 10 bit screen (samsung also obviously), but sony also has a 10 bit processor, samsung doesn't? What good is a nice 10bit screen without a processor to back it up???
I'm also glad I got the matte finish screen on the Sony.
Fancier screen frame also. :rolleyes:
Anyway, both sets are fabulous, but the Sony just edged out the Samsung on little details.

Thanks for all the advice. Now, to wait for the player wars to work it out.