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Headunit instal Questions. Where do these few wire go?


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New Member
Aug 28, 2004
I bought a Pioneer 860MP Headunit and have a couple of questions about a few of the wires in the unit's wiring harness. In the instructions, a Yellow wire is shown that goes to "terminal always supplied with power regardless of ignition switch position." What terminal is being referenced here, and where is it located?? Do I need to install this line, and what effect will it have if I do or don't connect this wire? Same questions for the Red wire that goes to "electric terminal controlled by ignition source (12 V DC) ON/OFF." Ans Same questions for the Orange/White wire that goes "to lighting switch terminal." Thanks a lot guys for your time. I'm a complete newbie to this.
Wiring diagram can be found here:

Your yellow wire should go to the orange wire in position A of the 2 pin connector. It's the power to the units memory, without it, it won't keep presets, time, etc when the key is turned off. Your red wire goes to the yellow wire in position F of the 4 pin power connector. It's power to the unit. Without it unit no-workie. :D Your orange/white wire is the dimming lead and I think should go to the brown wire in position B of the 2 pin connector. That gets 12V when the park lights are turned on and will make the Pioneers lights dim.


The best thing you could do would be to stop buy an electronics store and buy a harness adapter. I just put a new radio in my car. The stock radio has three plugs on top of each other (with numerous wires to each)....then there is the antenna wire.....then a single wire that has it's own plug.....that one is the constant on. The stock radio does have a dimmer, so you should use the orange wire. The red one goes to the switched power is in one of the three plugs. If you buy the adapter, the wire colors should line up perfectly with your radio. Good luck