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Heavy sigh...


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I need to get a'd be cheaper than paying for one of these tickete every 2 years.
I need to get a'd be cheaper than paying for one of these tickets every 2 years.

When I bought my 540I, the Valentine 1 came with the car. It also is tied into the BMW computer so the alerts come up dash display, direction, type of signal, etc..

I'm not much of speeder usually but its amazing how far that detector will pick them up and the fact that Lakeway jackass cops flip the radar on and off a lot and they like to flip it on when behind you as you go down the hill :mad:

I live in the hill country and I can still pick them up a mile away with curvy canyon roads like you describe....

You need to record a version of the Fox Channel's Cop's theme. Keep it handy and then play it when you get stopped, you never know the cop could be amused enough to let you go :tongue:

or..... The Bee Gees :D
You need to record a version of the Fox Channel's Cop's theme. Keep it handy and then play it when you get stopped, you never know the cop could be amused enough to let you go :tongue:

or..... The Bee Gees :D

LOL: My family and I were leaving a flea market one day and just outside of the exit was a license check. My wife was driving the van. As we pull up to the check point our daughter who was three at the time started singing. "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?" The Officer just rolled and my wife was so embarrased. :biggrin:
That cop was sooooooooo hungry to give out some tickets. I guess that he saw speeders as "lunchables".:D

Guy with perty hair.
Valentine one??

+1 Don't leave home with out it.
Looks like the Chicken got a few feathers plucked

Take it to court and tell the Magistrate, your throttle stuck due to your bladder issue.

just dont tell em you piss your pants everytime you put it to the wood:biggrin:
Tell them you just had it serviced at a Toyota dealer and ever since the pedal has been acting up. :eek: :biggrin: :biggrin:
That's actually a great idea!!!

Stand there in the court room, tell them Toyota fixed my throttle, and then pee my pants...:D

They'll spin me around so fast that I'll need Obama's Public Option Commi insurance to stop my nose bleed.:rolleyes:
Radar Detectors are good for a heads up but with the instant on it's tough or LIDAR won't set it off unless they shoot the unit itself...and don't even ASK about VASCAR...
I tried not to...but I can't... help.... it...
I gotta ask....

What the bejesus is VASCAR????:confused:
Chicken check this story out !

Two Highway Patrol Officers were conducting speeding enforcement on I-15, just north of Oceanside , San Diego , California .
One of the officers was using a hand held radar device to check speeding vehicles approaching the crest of a hill. The officers were suddenly surprised when the radar gun began reading 300 miles per hour and climbing.
The officer attempted to reset the radar gun, but it would not reset and then it suddenly turned off.
Just then a deafening roar over the treetops revealed that the radar had in fact locked on to a USMC F/A-18 Hornet which was engaged in a low flying exercise near this, it's home base location.
Back at the California Highway Patrol Headquarters the Patrol Captain fired off a complaint to the US Marine Corps. Base Commander for shutting down his equipment.
The reply came back in true USMC style:
'Thank you for your letter.
You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Hornet had detected the presence of, and subsequently locked on to, your hostile radar equipment and automatically sent a jamming signal back to it, which is why it shut down.
Furthermore, an Air-to-Ground missile aboard the fully armed aircraft had also automatically locked on to your equipment location.
Fortunately, the Marine Pilot flying the Hornet recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile system alert status and was able to override the automated defense system before the missile was launched to destroy the hostile radar position.
The pilot suggests you cover your mouths when cussing at them, since the video systems on these jets are very high tech.
Sergeant Johnson, the officer holding the radar gun, should get his dentist to check his left rear molar. It appears the filling is loose. Also, the snap is broken on his holster.'