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Heavy sigh...


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Back in the late 80's and early 90's I was repairing those F/A-18 Radars and Weapons Control Systems for a living first at Lemoore and Pt. Mugu and then at the end of my enlistment, on board the USS I could imagine the above scenario unfolding in vivid detail.

Had a funny experience while working on a FLIR (Foward Looking Infra Red) system on the flight deck during a quiet night on duty in Subic Bay. While I was checking it operationally, I had to aquire different targets and try to lock on I was locking on to buddies of mine up and down the flight deck.
Don't worry...perfectly safe with weight-on-wheels...
I locked onto one of the other IWT (Integrated Weapons Team a.k.a. Idiot With Tools) techs and then yelled at him and told him I'd aquired his @$$ and was going hot.
He yelled back..."Countermeasures!!!!" aimed his butt in my general direction and let go of a gnarly Red Horse (great Filipino beer) and lumpia fart.
The general area of his ars actually got brighter on my DID (Digital Information Display) FLIR image:biggrin:
I nearly fell out laughing!
Dude was lucky I couldn't actually let a Sidewinder rip or he woulda been a gonner.

The general area of his ars actually got brighter on my DID (Digital Information Display) FLIR image:biggrin:
I nearly fell out laughing!
Dude was lucky I couldn't actually let a Sidewinder rip or he woulda been a gonner.

Thanks, having to clean the soda off of my computer screen now. :frown:

Thanks, having to clean the soda off of my computer screen now. :frown:


The funny thing about Sidewinder missiles is, when they have acquired their lock on a target....the tone they feedback to the pilot is a growling noise.
They literally sound angry.

Meanchechen, i have been working at nas lemoore for over 15 yr's , and when i have read your posts in the past (good read's) i know the streets you go killing on, i dated a chica from laguna hills and im in sand dawg,point loma, allot. I thought i was the only person in ca with a gn for the longest time..
Just wanted to say hello. Btw were you in the navy? Or contractor? I'm at the family support center, did you have the gn when you were up here?
Meanchechen, i have been working at nas lemoore for over 15 yr's , and when i have read your posts in the past (good read's) i know the streets you go killing on, i dated a chica from laguna hills and im in sand dawg,point loma, allot. I thought i was the only person in ca with a gn for the longest time..
Just wanted to say hello. Btw were you in the navy? Or contractor? I'm at the family support center, did you have the gn when you were up here?

Hey dougo.

Was active duty Navy.

I was stationed at Lemoore twice.
First right out of AFTA at Millington TN, in 82' I went straight to Lemoore for a few months of training on the F/A-18's and also did all the standard Flight Deck training (fire fighting, etc.) before going on to Point Mugu for a few years at VX-4.

After Pt Mugu, I got sent back to Lemoore in '86 where I was in VFA-192. We were at Lemoore TAD for a little bit while the USS Midway was being retrofitted. Once the boat was ready, we shipped out and were home based in Japan....finished out my service floating about in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf vicinity where I was flown off the carrier and sent on an epic 3 week journey back to the states jumping from MAC flight to MAC flight all around the globe hoping to eventually get pointed in the correct direction home so I could get dischaged honorably..finally...:rolleyes:.

I didn't have the GN back then.
I had a black 69 Camaro and .....a 78 Buick Opel...the fastback version...;)
Caught a break last night.
I was overcome by the urge to heat my tires up at an intersection...practicing my launch technique for when I get to race Papa Lou's Z06...

As I let back out of the throttle and let the boost blow off on the far side of the intersection, I look to my left and catch a local Sherriff looking back at me with his angry eye's on.:eek:

OH SNAP!!!!:eek:

I took my roll to a cruise right at the speed limit of 50mph and kept it there as I watched in my mirrors...

Sure enough, he was setting up to make a u-turn, but he had to wait for a dozen or so cars to go by.

I dissppeared from his sight around a bend on El Toro road, and the thought of running for it came to mind, but I figured....the good Lord will take care of me ....and I started praying while watching all the headlights in my rear view and looking for a weaving pair that appeared to be in hot pursuit.

I finally picked him out of the crowd, and he was moving up gingerly, but was not flashing his lights at anyone.
I think he had a lock on me and was hoping I'd do something else stupid to give him a reason....he was a few hundred yards back still....

He finally broke through the pack and I stayed in the right lane for the next 1/2 mile or so as he came up within a few lengths of me in the middle lane and just paced me....this guy was torturing me.:frown:

I finally made my right hand turn onto Santa Margarita Pkwy, and that's when he moved over behind me and then lit me up is I finished the turn.


I pulled over, rolled the window down, shut it off and waited with my hands on the wheel where he could see them.

Him: Burning the tires a bit?:mad:
Me: gets away some times....:rolleyes:
Him: License?
Me: here it is....:confused: [ registration and he gonna cut me some slack?]
Him: You on probation?
Me: Nah
Him: Ever been arrested?
Me: Yeah....way back in my early 20's...
Him: What for?
Me: Let a fix it ticket go to warrant and get caught on a traffic stop [I didn't fess up to the other arrest for reckless driving when I was 18].
Him: You heard of Exibition of Speed?
Me: Yup...I aint gonna lie....
Him: This is a Turbo'd 6 right....[as he looks up and down the sides and inside.]
Me: [Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!!! for sending me a car lover]
Me: Yup.
Him: Nice....Exibition is a writable offence, but you didn't get to crazy [he obviously missed the part where my back end was kicking out to the right across most of the intersection:redface:] and I didn't clock you at any excessive speed...
Me: Man, I would really appreciate a break....
Him: I'm giving you one....but be careful.
Me: Will do...I've been scared straight....thanks....I appreciate it....

I stopped short of callling him sir and being a total suck up...he was young enough to be my son....
...but part of me wanted to kiss him on the mouth at that point...but that would have been gay..which I am far from being....and he would have tazed me and beat the crap out of me too...and then written me a ticket...

So I counted my blessings, got my license back, and drove like a saint the rest of the way home.

See...prayer does work!
...even if you do it with your eye's wide open while scanning your posterior vicinity for the po-po...!
Drive safe, kiddies....:biggrin:
Caught a break last night.
I was overcome by the urge to heat my tires up at an intersection...practicing my launch technique for when I get to race Papa Lou's Z06...

As I let back out of the throttle and let the boost blow off on the far side of the intersection, I look to my left and catch a local Sherriff looking back at me with his angry eye's on.:eek:

OH SNAP!!!!:eek:

I took my roll to a cruise right at the speed limit of 50mph and kept it there as I watched in my mirrors...

Sure enough, he was setting up to make a u-turn, but he had to wait for a dozen or so cars to go by.

I dissppeared from his sight around a bend on El Toro road, and the thought of running for it came to mind, but I figured....the good Lord will take care of me ....and I started praying while watching all the headlights in my rear view and looking for a weaving pair that appeared to be in hot pursuit.

I finally picked him out of the crowd, and he was moving up gingerly, but was not flashing his lights at anyone.
I think he had a lock on me and was hoping I'd do something else stupid to give him a reason....he was a few hundred yards back still....

He finally broke through the pack and I stayed in the right lane for the next 1/2 mile or so as he came up within a few lengths of me in the middle lane and just paced me....this guy was torturing me.:frown:

I finally made my right hand turn onto Santa Margarita Pkwy, and that's when he moved over behind me and then lit me up is I finished the turn.


I pulled over, rolled the window down, shut it off and waited with my hands on the wheel where he could see them.

Him: Burning the tires a bit?:mad:
Me: gets away some times....:rolleyes:
Him: License?
Me: here it is....:confused: [ registration and he gonna cut me some slack?]
Him: You on probation?
Me: Nah
Him: Ever been arrested?
Me: Yeah....way back in my early 20's...
Him: What for?
Me: Let a fix it ticket go to warrant and get caught on a traffic stop [I didn't fess up to the other arrest for reckless driving when I was 18].
Him: You heard of Exibition of Speed?
Me: Yup...I aint gonna lie....
Him: This is a Turbo'd 6 right....[as he looks up and down the sides and inside.]
Me: [Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!!! for sending me a car lover]
Me: Yup.
Him: Nice....Exibition is a writable offence, but you didn't get to crazy [he obviously missed the part where my back end was kicking out to the right across most of the intersection:redface:] and I didn't clock you at any excessive speed...
Me: Man, I would really appreciate a break....
Him: I'm giving you one....but be careful.
Me: Will do...I've been scared straight....thanks....I appreciate it....

I stopped short of callling him sir and being a total suck up...he was young enough to be my son....
...but part of me wanted to kiss him on the mouth at that point...but that would have been gay..which I am far from being....and he would have tazed me and beat the crap out of me too...and then written me a ticket...

So I counted my blessings, got my license back, and drove like a saint the rest of the way home.

See...prayer does work!
...even if you do it with your eye's wide open while scanning your posterior vicinity for the po-po...!
Drive safe, kiddies....:biggrin:

LOL ! chicken you're nuts, I suppose that's my fault you getting pulled over. The next cruise being held will be visiting you in jail.Man be careful you don't need an exhibition of speed ticket. Save it for the track where you can get properly plucked by my Z06.
LOL ! chicken you're nuts, I suppose that's my fault you getting pulled over. The next cruise being held will be visiting you in jail.Man be careful you don't need an exhibition of speed ticket. Save it for the track where you can get properly plucked by my Z06.

Your Z06 and my GN will tangle at the track some day, Papa Lou....
And if you beat'll have the honors of making the GN faster so I can beat you back...
Hey....wait a minute...
Is this some elaborate scheme to get me to buy more speed parts?:rolleyes:

Your Z06 and my GN will tangle at the track some day, Papa Lou....
And if you beat'll have the honors of making the GN faster so I can beat you back...
Hey....wait a minute...
Is this some elaborate scheme to get me to buy more speed parts?:rolleyes:
This is a no win situation for me.You can't lose cause you have a V/6 excuse against a 427 V/8, If I got beat I would never live it down I also smell a trap.
Sounds like both of your are going to have to break out the plastic.... and make some upgrades on both cars :D