Hi there!


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Hi there

I just moved to Jacksonville from New Jersey. Weather is so hot down here for the fall compared to N.J.

Anyways, hope to make new friends here. I own an 87 WE4 Turbo T, and it runs like a champ. A little rust underneath, and in the trunk, but nothing to worry about. I run with Champion Heads, Alcohol, 911 converter, and TE-60 Turbo.

Anyways, I just transferred here and work for a good fortune 500 company.

Also, I'm African American, so naturally I'm voting for Obama (if this matters to anyone... ha ha)
Are you a damn idiot?

I know who you are I am removing your other two posts and leaving this one to show.... Nevermind!

Make up one more username and all of YOU(s) is gone!
Matter of fact, all ADMINS and Mods look at this. I really think this guy crossed the line with this one. PM me if you feel so!
I read this one,And thought it is pretty funny that he is voting for Obama because they are both the same color.
Thats a great reason:rolleyes:
He is not black, he is a very active member in the political forum. That is why the more I think about this the more it pisses me off:mad: Trying to stir up crap on this board is not going to float....
I almost responded to his idiotic post, then decided it wasn't worth it. Ban his dumb @ss.
I think if people are going to do this Shane should post all there names so we know who the game players are
Okay, this guy sent me an email last night trying to explain it is not who I think it is:confused: :rolleyes:

I agree with Otto!

I will give you one day to man up or I will do it for you!

If you knew as much as you think you do about VBB you would probably got away with it:biggrin:
Guess I'm not welcome here then...


I have my own login/computer/ and internet ip- I'm my own person, and African American. Not welcome here. I have not attacked or started any troube here, except I like Obama.

He'll delete this too, but that's ok.... I'll go to another forum then for help and to be welcome.:frown:

Go Obama!!!
You are a complete and udder DUMBASS GOOFBALL!

I am not going to delete anything I want everyone and everybody to see just how STUPID YOU REALLY ARE:rolleyes:

After what I posted yesterday he had the nerve to email me this;

Good Evening Sir,

I am not trying to stir anything up as you accused me of. I am truly not someone else as you think I am. I promise! Please slow down. I noticed how angry you seemed on the forums. You think you may know me, but I have nothing to do with the other member who referred me to your webpage community. I am a friend of theirs only, nothing more and have no agenda. The other member actually is a really great person, and I consider him to be a good friend. I recently bought a gn and was trying to establish some friends, and find some technical advise. I was told your forum was the best one on the internet.

I am truly African American, proud, and not trying to cause any dissension. I only wanted to display how proud I was of my candidate and who I am. Although you think the other member who you described is posting under a different name this is not the case. I'm smart enough to know that Vbulletin can trace computer IP's and trace routes.. This is what I do for a living.

You shouldnt jump on someone for just being different. I wasnt being insulting or nasty to anyone. Just proud.

Please forgive me, and I won't post to your forum anymore then.

I want everybody to see exactly who this guy is now, he is still trying to stip up crap. When you stir crap it sure does stink....

Do you see this says same computer, not just same IP but same computer? How do you explain that Tomcat, I mean agent, I mean :eek:


  • agent86.jpg
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I am not the other peope you just tried to accuse me of, and thats the dam truth! just cause i know someone doesnt mean i am them!

youre just angry regarding my race and the fact that Obama is gooing to win next tuesday

i have nothing to proove, yall see next tuesday!!

Im a proud black half jamaican african american for you info Sir:cool:
I'm all for a spirited discussion of the issues but there should be a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on this "Multiple Identity" stuff on the board, IMHO.

One violation and you are BANNED. Just my $.02
Guess I'm not welcome here then...


I have my own login/computer/ and internet ip- I'm my own person, and African American. Not welcome here. I have not attacked or started any troube here, except I like Obama.

He'll delete this too, but that's ok.... I'll go to another forum then for help and to be welcome.:frown:

Go Obama!!!
Great , go sign up on turbobuickS.com,They will welcome you and your stupid crap.I still laugh that you think that we would figure you would vote for Obama because your black.
Cut him loose Shane.
he was a nice guy, sold his buick and bought a boat a few months back, made mention of the great times he had on here and was going to miss the forum.

doesnt sound like him at all...grown man with kids and a life

Strange...very strange
I am not the other peope you just tried to accuse me of, and thats the dam truth! just cause i know someone doesnt mean i am them!

youre just angry regarding my race and the fact that Obama is gooing to win next tuesday

i have nothing to proove, yall see next tuesday!!

Im a proud black half jamaican african american for you info Sir:cool:
Been 4 years now and you still think the idiot in office should be allowed another 4? More US citizens are hiding their income and their weapons and ammo waiting to see whether or not things go further south than they are now.:eek:
haha.. You guys are too funny. No matter who wins we'll still be at war. Calm down fellas. All politicians suck, period. White, Black, Yellow, Red & Brown.