how about a gentlemen's agreement on politics


New Member
Oct 21, 2003
Politics, like religon is indicative of one's personal beliefs and values.

Every so often a political post will get started on this board based heavily on someone's O-P-I-N-I-O-N-S. Rarely if ever have I seen anything informative based on reputable fact.

If someone has something meaningful to share on the political front - fine, but I suggest you have sources and facts before you make yourself look really dumb - regardless of what your views are, democrat or republican. These politically biased rants are just silly and disrespectful to fellow members of this board.

I reply to these from time to time when they are " shots from the hip" and ususally just want to know where the opinion is coming from. If it is fact - I want to hear it so I too can be informed. But, don't insinuate I'm a schmuck because of who I voted for or support in one way or another.

Meantime - maybe we can set aside the name calling and behave like adults. Otherwise, join a political forum of like-minded people if you just want to "vent". You'll save yourself a bunch of grief and not risk alienating the very people who are here to be a resource for you.
Opinions, and preceptions are all we have to work on, unless one was in on the conversations taking place.

It's to the stage of I just post 1-2 times on the political stuff and bail. Hopefully someone with give pause to what I've said, but other then that, there's little to gain from conversation, since on the net it normally gets to argueing after a dozen or so posts, rather then meaningful conversation.

It's amazing how when you mean folks from the net, that they never look like their email.