
Jan 14, 2003
Hello,Ive heard estimates that because of accidents and people parting them out that there are less than half of the GNs made still in existence. Is this true?
Hello,Ive heard estimates that because of accidents and people parting them out that there are less than half of the GNs made still in existence. Is this true?

Well I guess it depends on what year you are referring to. I would find it hard to believe there are more the 10,000 87 GN's still left that are presentable. Considering there were approx 21k in 87 I would think half is a reasonable number. I would also find it hard to believe that there are more the 2.5k Turbo "T"s left worth looking at either.

I guess it depends on what one would consider "still in existence" to mean? Is it driveable or collecting rust in comeones back yard?
I don't understand why so many are being parted out. especially when they are not in bad shape, like 95% complete. There's one just posted on ebay, engine and trans together out of a tta. Theres a pic of it still in the car and it looks really decent. What ever happened to guys who are say into GTOs and part out LeMans or Tempests instead. Are these the very cars that are being stolen out from under us?
RE: GN's

I had one stolen. probably it was redone by my agent.His buddy called and asked if I wanted to buy it.

I have one 5,453 ORG car. And a Limited.So my count is in. I looked for a year. The numbers on Org are lower but there are alot of redone and clones.

Don't know how I feel about a clone.Guess If that keeps them alive it's fine with me.
got my 86 here. i wanted one for awhile and found the perfect one. i didnt really care bout the year at the time, just wanted a solid roof gn w/ low miles. But now im glad I Bought the 86 seeing as how there were way less produced.
ive seen about 30 around my area. and ive herd there is 75, all together but 45 stay in the garage. 1 gnx does drive around in the summer on a weekly basis dont know what number it is but it is a real one.
I know the registry tries to keep track as much as possible but it's kind of hard when you've got some of these cars hidden away in peoples garages as well as rotting away in peoples yards all over the country... I try to save the ones that I can and I know of a few of "us" who try and keep these cars alive.

As for the parting out, I'm not sure why these cars are parted if they are in pretty good condition. I suspect that it's easier and more profitable to part the cars as opposed to restoring or selling outright.

Either way, I've got a few in my "collection":)
30 plus a week on ebay, have at it, you could buy 20 a week on ebay and they wont run out there