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Originally posted by JToups386

I wish you could humor us by going and getting an official ET on the car as is, and then one with the 50's installed. I'd be real cursious to see the results.
Oh well, I wish you the best in your project, and look forward to hearing the TRUE results thereof.

I think you misunderstood. I doubt anybody is disputing the fact that just merely adding the 50# injectors is going to gain anything at all. That certainly wasn't my intent. You can't just pour more fuel into the engine without the requisite increase in air volume. Nobody is argueing that fact.
What we are merely trying to do is prevent him from making the same mistake that so many of us have made over the last 15 years or racing these machines.
Injector upgrade after injector upgrade merely amounts to unecessary money being spent.
Moving into the 50's now, will however allow for the inevitable upgrades coming later. You and I both know, they will come. Especially with 11's in mind.

I think this poor mule has been beaten do death.
Awwwww, c'mon now Tow Man, I know you're dying to say something here...? (per your eye rolling post) Go ahead and add to the debate. I'll be online for awhile and would like to hear what you wanna say.;)
Heck, you and TurboDave can take satisfaction that Terence is following your path, right? It'll all work out in the end anyway, and he'll run fine regardless.
Seriously, I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm just absorbing and learning too, along the way...
Originally posted by TurboDave
I think you misunderstood. I doubt anybody is disputing the fact that just merely adding the 50# injectors is going to gain anything at all. That certainly wasn't my intent. You can't just pour more fuel into the engine without the requisite increase in air volume. Nobody is argueing that fact.
What we are merely trying to do is prevent him from making the same mistake that so many of us have made over the last 15 years or racing these machines.
Injector upgrade after injector upgrade merely amounts to unecessary money being spent.
Moving into the 50's now, will however allow for the inevitable upgrades coming later. You and I both know, they will come. Especially with 11's in mind.

I think this poor mule has been beaten do death.

Okay, I hear ya' Dave.:) And,,, yes, you're right with the above statement. I guess I was looking at it from an immediate expenditure standpoint vs. immediate gains. With the ease of resale on injectors these days, I really didn't view it as being a wasted investment. I think we see each other's point fairly well here. I'll let the poor mule RIP.;) We'll talk at ya' on another issue down the line. Thanks...
Well, I did say quite a bit but decided to delete it for the good of the thread! ( TOO LATE )

I'm glad to see you calmed down a little! No one intended to argue. You just seemed to be taking offense to anyone disagreeing with you.

Just one thing I do have to say, I never suggested that the parts sellers of this community are not honest or credible. There are some items that I wouldn't buy used regardless of where they came from...... PERIOD!

I will not risk the life of my engine in the name of saving a few bucks! Used electronics and fuel system components will not find there way into my car. Besides, the cost of new compared to used aren't that far appart most of the time! You said you paid $175.00 for used 36's. You could have gotten a new flowmatched set for around $250 ! Is a $75.00 savings worth it? Not to me!

Anyway, my main concern on this this thread was that everyone jumped in at first without even knowing the goal of the person that asked the question!

He did state that he wanted to go with a TE44 turbo in the future. The recommended injectors are 42.5 to 50's for that turbo if I remember correctly! GEE this little piece of info could have spared 10 posts of needless bickering and personal attacks.

My last word is this..................:p
Very worthwhile thread! :)

There are TRs running around on the street with 72#s & 83#s with the correct chip...and running fact, VERY fine! :)

Today's chip burners are doing some super-work!

Originally posted by Two Lane
Very worthwhile thread! :)

There are TRs running around on the street with 72#s & 83#s with the correct chip...and running fact, VERY fine! :)

Today's chip burners are doing some super-work!


And some even bigger!!! Just ask 750H.P.V6 I've ridden in his car, and you would never know what's under the hood. The street manners are everybit as subtle as a stocker (except for the slightly loppy idle, it is after all a STGII).

I'm pretty sure his injectors are up in the 90's somewhere.

BUT, when the loud pedal gets mashed, you better already have taken a breath, because you aint going to be able to until he lets off the throttle. ;)
50s huge holes....he he thats funny, but anyways with the mods you have, free flowing exhaust and chip,injectors you will probally see 30 hp at the same boost. i say get the injectors now and be done with it. you gonna play the 30# oops too small let me get 36# oh man outta fuel again let me get the see my point? according to Bruce you need 160# injectors if you change your turbo, ugh j\k. your first set of mods set the stage for all to come so buy once and get it close as can be. free flowing exhaust, 50# ers and a walbro 340 will support your needs down to the low 11's high 10's. who wants to keep buying injectors?
Arghhhh!!! This is getting silly!
TowMan: I was using my carburetor example as a very extreme analogy, to make a point. The whole reason for this was; its extreme nature. I did not mean for anyone to take it literally, and then try to relate the two separate technologies as being "apples to apples".
Good gosh, I suppose I'll just shut up and let you guys do all the suggesting and advising from now on, and keep my facts and opinions to myself. Ohhhhh, wait a minute,,, I just remembered that this forum is designed to do exactly that, share input. Sorry, I take it back and I will probably continue to submit my opinions, and y'all can kick the crap out of me at will, while over analyzing my statements. I'm not a genius! I learn from and find value in hearing everyone's input, unless they display themselves to be one step above a mental mushroom! (and NO, I'm not suggesting any of you fit this description!) :)

AGAIN, I'm not disputing the general statements you, TurboDave, and others have made. Please hear me, I'm not saying you are wrong! I'm merely suggesting that the kid doesn't need to step up that hugely right now. AGAIN, this is per my approach! Your results may vary!!!

And YES, you are correct that we need to know his end goals, but at the same time, my end goals are to run low 10's, but I darn sure am not going to go out and buy 92# injectors right now, in order to do it 3 years from now. Surely you and the rest can understand that logic?

As for your theory on used injectors, well, you are basically speaking against the credibility and honesty of our tight-knit Buick group, in that, I'm only suggesting buying them from someone within "the family" that is upgrading and therefore can sell their perfectly good "hand-me-downs" to someone that is still growing beneath them. I've bought 2 perfectly good sets of injectors off the Turbo Trader board or other Buick groups over the years, and have no regrets! I thoroughly enjoyed the extra cash left in my pocket! I've bought used turbos, and various other pieces too, with total success. I'm still using the Stage III Cheetah that I bought used off of Turbo Trader in 1997, (for $350), and am only going to sell it to upgrade again. Fuel pumps are a different story, but your talking about a $90 - $100 item there, as opposed to things that range from $300 up. Am I making sense here?

I'll step down and say "fine", buy the 50's at $350+, and do the research to get a chip that you feel will work with them. Just don't imagine what better gains you could've made by spending the same funds in different ways.

Sorry guys, I really did not mean to start a brawl here...:(
These posts cracked me up. Loved the insight I gained by reading the back n forth. Peace to you all.