Sorry, had to split it up as the site apparently will only allow so many images in a post.

I sourced some hex heads bolts as specified in the ck perf book to replace the stock ones. Installed with red lock tite.

Seal retainer. Cheap and maybe it will help keep the seal in with the higher pressures. Seal installed with red lock tite also.

Inspect your separating plate if you will be reusing it. The balls hit it pretty hard and can deform it. With a flat faced hammer and decent flat place you can work the holes back to decent without much trouble. Or replace the plate. I'm cheap so we know what I did.

My setup to set the end play of the output shaft.

The stock tv spring(bottom) and my "custom" length tv spring for the tv valve in the vb. I have since found these are sold in the longer length but I didn't know this at that time, so I made my own. This was knowledge posted by Lonnie Dyers in this forum.

Accumulator spring spaced out as per info sent by David Husek. I kept the accumulators functioning. It is a Buick and not a Chevy so I wanted it to shift decent at lower throttle angles and bark em at wot.

As specified, I'm on a budget but wanted to use the 700r4 bottom feed filter. No money for the fancy pan so I used the stock one and made sure to cover the switch so the filter doesn't ground it out and cause probs. I run the fluid a quart over full too.

Inspect your flex plate. They do crack.

This is a nifty book if you are interested in how the trans works. Also great is the ck performance "bible" for the 2004r.

And this is the Bison mod as posted by Bison. Good to keep the buzzing and pressure loss on the over pressure valve. Be sure to pull it out and inspect the ball. I like to use some lapping compound on a big cotton swab to "dress" the seat whil;e it is apart. Be sure to clean it well so the lapping compound doesn't end up where it shouldn't.
If you need help or more pix lmk and Ill do what I can.