Max line pressure will be whatever pressure the blowoff spring opens at. Usually 260-275ish. You can get a higher pressure spring that allows over 300 psi from the trans vendors (and it's a better quality spring) but it's overkill for "guy in his garage".
Now, how soon the pressure gets to max (if at all) is a function of the PR valve system and the many, many factors that influence it. Starting with whether the valve itself is modified, you also have PR spring and boost valves there, then you have the TV valvetrain's influence on it, which in itself can be altered in many ways, good or bad. Don't forget the line bias valvetrain's influence if it's not blocked (usually is for performance use).
The tv system has enough factors to almost be its own thread or at least a well thought out post. Proper setup and geometry will make or break the whole trans.