How to remove paint from trim


Cat&wife post starter
May 26, 2001
The car was repainted before I had bought it and the genius decided to paint the windshield trim. Some of it is flaking off but most of it is still on. How do I get it off without damaging the original black satin OEM finish? Not sure to use a stripper (that would upset my wife anyway:eek: ) and I would think a heat gun would warp the trim.
Mineral spirits is a good start - least damaging and might get the top coat off with a lite scrubbing from a fine scuff pad. If no go, then xylene and possibly acetone (nail polish remover). Obviously try a corner first and see how it goes.
I have had good luck with brake cleaner. If it takes the OEM finish off, SEM makes a trim paint in aerosol that works good.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
For the time and effort, just strip it and repaint. Aircraft strip is the easiest.
I would want to keep the factory finish as much as possible and not really want to repaint it. I think that it would be too fragile to powder coat and might warp/bend.
The factory trim is anodized, so I would be careful what you use. Try a little laquer thinner on an inconspicuous spot and see how that works. If you repaint them, you will have to touch up over time.
rmar is right , trying to get it all off is nearly impossible. I've had luck with paint stripper on a piece at a time without damage to OE finish. Then clean with paint reducer.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I would want to keep the factory finish as much as possible and not really want to repaint it. I think that it would be too fragile to powder coat and might warp/bend.

People powder coat the trim all the time, I'm having some done right now.
I don't see what the fuss is about "saving" the factory coat of paint.
It's probably chipped here n there - or dull anyway.
2 minutes to take them off the car, strip, scuff, and SEMS Trim Black...viola..
Matches perfectly.
Check the rubber seals while you're at it as well.
PS - They can slide out to make painting the trim much easier.