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How to transfer the data of my cell phone to a new one?


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May 25, 2001
I have an Android cell phone which I'm looking to trade with another guy for a better one (+ a little money because the guy lost his job due to the covid-19 shutdown). I'm ready to do the trade but before doing so I want to make sure to save all my contacts, pictures and applications and be able to reinstall them in the new phone. I know there's a way to do this but my question is how?... Someone told me to save my data on Google... but again, how??
I do have a Gmail (Google) address but I don't know what else to do...
Can someone please guide me with this?

What I don't know about computers could fill a computer but why not just take it to your cell phone provider and let them do it. When I got my current flip phone "10" years ago they did it wham bam thank you mam.
What I don't know about computers could fill a computer but why not just take it to your cell phone provider and let them do it. When I got my current flip phone "10" years ago they did it wham bam thank you mam.
Well thanks for your suggestion but I'm trading my older phone with a more recent one from a private individual, not my phone provider...So I doubt that they'd be willing to help me...:(
Well thanks for your suggestion but I'm trading my older phone with a more recent one from a private individual, not my phone provider...So I doubt that they'd be willing to help me...:(

Even if they charged a small fee would be worth it to make sure you saved your stuff on it, be a shame to lose it because of pushing the wrong button. Unless you have pictures on there that are? :D
Does it have a micro SD card?
Try smart switch,it allows you to transfer data.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Smart switch is supposed to do all the work automatically. Text messages will likely not be transferred unless you backup and restore via an app. Depending on your carrier and phone(s), the SIM card may not fit the new phone. Ensure all your contacts are on the phone (not SIM) so they transfer.

Make sure you factory reset the "new" phone before you start and have it update before starting data transfer. Good luck.
I have a Huawei P30 Pro and I found out that Huawei phones have an application called "Phone Clone" which allows you to transfer almost the whole content from a phone to another one. Used that and it did the job perfectly!
