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I am thinking about becoming a firefighter..


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Asian man #1
Dec 7, 2002
So, 90GTP's thread about Police Officers made me want to post about becoming a fire fighter. I'm nearing the age of 18 and about to start college.

I am not sure what I want to do when I grow up... At first I wanted to do something with computers, but I have a job with that right now, and I hate it. I always wanted to do something for the community, like becoming a Police Officer, Firefighter, or Teacher.

I am not wanting to become a Firefighter for the pay, I just want to join up to serve the community and help people, I always loved doing that.

Anyways, what are some basic requirements, or, what is it like being a firefighter?
FireFighting rules

hey progressive

I have been a Volunteer/ part-time paid Firefighter since 1999 with the Randleman fire dept. I enjoy do it. All you need to do is go to your local Fire dept and talk to someone about becoming a Vol and that will get you your start in the fire service.

The training requirments vary from different states and also it depennds if the department is in the county or the city also. so i really encourage you to look into if your heart wants you to do it.
beacuse firefighting is not for everyone.

I'm a NC certified level I and level II firefighter. Also a NC certified Medical responder and NC certified in HAZ-MAT Awareness/operations.

you can take the training far from there to if you wish . like getting a fire sciences degree 4yr course.

no the pay is not that great but like you said you can give back to the community you live in. I enjoy every minute of it the good and the bad.
FireFighting rules

hey progressive

I have been a Volunteer/ part-time paid Firefighter since 1999 with the Randleman fire dept. I enjoy do it. All you need to do is go to your local Fire dept and talk to someone about becoming a Vol and that will get you your start in the fire service.

The training requirments vary from different states and also it depennds if the department is in the county or the city also. so i really encourage you to look into if your heart wants you to do it.
because firefighting is not for everyone.

I'm a NC certified level I and level II firefighter. Also a NC certified Medical responder and NC certified in HAZ-MAT Awareness/operations.

you can take the training far from there to if you wish . like getting a fire sciences degree 4yr course.

no the pay is not that great but like you said you can give back to the community you live in. I enjoy every minute of it the good and the bad.
I have been in the fire service for 23 years and hold the following certifications.

Bachelor degree in Fire Management
Fire Investigator
Fire Educator
ARFF (fighting airplane fires)
Fire Inspector
Peace Officer

There are more ways to approach the fire service now than in the old days. I would suggest riding out with the local department a few times. Maybe you will see a motorcycle wreck, or a gunshot victim. You should see something where a dead person is present, and then decide if you still want to pusue it.
If that's no big deal, I would check out a local college and see of they offer a fire academy, or at least an associates degree in fire science. Do the local departments where you live require new hires to be EMT's or Paramedics? In the Dallas area, almost every department requires a Paramedic certification. Like I said, there is a lot more to the fire service now than the old days.

Would you be interested in the code enforcement, arson investigation side of the fire service? If so, Oklahome State....Maryland...i think....and a few other colleges has a Fire engineering degree. It s a Bachelors program, and very informative. Better be up on your math skills if you go this route.

Also, make sure you are physically fit. Your body is a tool of the trade. I am 47 years old, and still work out every day. I run 2 miles, do 250 to 400 pushups and about 10 sets of curls, 5 days a week....and I have a desk job!! Old habits are hard to break. I would say, depending on where you decide to go to work, and the workload of the department, you need to consider a professional athlete. When you get into a heavy firefighting situation, it will be the hardest work you have ever done. So, the more physically fit you are, the better you will perform, and it will be less likely of an injury.

So, to sum it up, you need to be smart, and physically fit. Go get some college courses, start working out, go ride out with a local fire department.

then, make an educated decision. Hope this helps.;)

Click on the Fire Pics link below. These are some pics I have taken recently at my department.
I am definitly physically fit. I am only 5'6 but I am more fit than most people I know. I plan to start working out more and running a mile or two a day.

What kind of college courses would help me out if I wanted to pursue something like arson investigation. I would assume it would be a lot of science/math courses. Although I would love to fight fires and help people more.

How do "ride alongs" work? Would I just go to a fire station and explain to them my situation, and they would help me out?
nice pictures mark

where are you?

just call your local fire acadamy and they will tell you everything that is needed

collage courses help but not nessary then that depends on your state

alot of people have a misconseption on firefighters and the job always beaware fire has no reason

Johnny Montoya
nice pictures mark

where are you?

just call your local fire acadamy and they will tell you everything that is needed

collage courses help but not nessary then that depends on your state

alot of people have a misconseption on firefighters and the job always beaware fire has no reason

Johnny Montoya

dont worry about your size its what you can do with it

RUN and RUN then RUN
Do everything Capt. Mark said and........

get real used to the ambulance:)

Not to concerned about H.I.P.P.A. Capt Mark with those pics?;)

We have very strict rules concerning pictures we take. I carry a camera in my gear and have hundreds of pics but in fear of getting in trouble, personal consumption only. Drew
Originally posted by progress1vebmx
So, 90GTP's thread about Police Officers made me want to post about becoming a fire fighter. I'm nearing the age of 18 and about to start college.

I am not sure what I want to do when I grow up... At first I wanted to do something with computers, but I have a job with that right now, and I hate it. I always wanted to do something for the community, like becoming a Police Officer, Firefighter, or Teacher.

I am not wanting to become a Firefighter for the pay, I just want to join up to serve the community and help people, I always loved doing that.

Anyways, what are some basic requirements, or, what is it like being a firefighter?
I'm glad there are poeple out there like you...

Me ,,I say F@ck dat ,,show me da money.....

It's all about the money..:)
Re: Re: I am thinking about becoming a firefighter..

Originally posted by AsphaltAnihil8r
I'm glad there are poeple out there like you...

Me ,,I say F@ck dat ,,show me da money.....

It's all about the money..:)

It used to be all about the money for me. That's all I wanted, all I care about is to make the big bucks. Now, I don't really mind if I make lots of money or not, just as long as I can pay the bills for stuff. I didn't even ask for anything for Christnas this year.

hey guys

The way the Training is handled here in randlolph county NC. The local community college sends out a insturctor for our classes for thee LEVEL I and LEVEL II courses and i also took my medical repsonder in house too. so depending on how you local department is setup to get started in the fire service you may not have to go to college rite away unless you want to do the fire science/arson investion. Also here in the state of NC you have to haave your 1403 classes done before your able to do interior firefighting. but that's here . just contact you local Department and ask how to get started. Alot of the guys that are paid firefighter at our station started as a volunteer just like me.

I'm glad to hear thats it not about the money cause the fire service don't get enuff of it.

Anyone Care to trade Fire Patches! email me at

Originally posted by progress1vebmx
I am definitly physically fit. I am only 5'6 but I am more fit than most people I know. I plan to start working out more and running a mile or two a day.

What kind of college courses would help me out if I wanted to pursue something like arson investigation. I would assume it would be a lot of science/math courses. Although I would love to fight fires and help people more.

How do "ride alongs" work? Would I just go to a fire station and explain to them my situation, and they would help me out?

I would try to find the nearest fire academy and see what the requirements are to get it in, OR, talk to the local fire departments and see what their hiring requirements are. You may have to be 21. Are you 21 yet?
Re: Do everything Capt. Mark said and........

Originally posted by Drew L
get real used to the ambulance:)

Not to concerned about H.I.P.P.A. Capt Mark with those pics?;)

We have very strict rules concerning pictures we take. I carry a camera in my gear and have hundreds of pics but in fear of getting in trouble, personal consumption only. Drew

HIPPA.....what's that!!;)

Yeah, I guess I should take that rolled over van out. Oh well, just don't tell anybody. Hey, you should see the pics I can't post!:eek:
my neighbor talked me into the fire department thing. i start EMT school 1/6/04. then for the department that i want in on you need to be both a paramedic and a fire fighter. so, after EMT, i can hopfully get into the summer semisters of paramedic, because im going to be stuck in that for a year and a half, then i am off to the acadmey.

good luck