I need a pic for a web site


Resident Window Licker
Jun 14, 2001
I'm currently working on a TB web site and need a picture of a TR, preferably a Burgundy or Rosewood car (black will do in a pinch). The pic I need is of the front end, showing the lights and grill, and it needs to be in high res so I can crop it as necessary. If anyone has such a pic or could take one it would be much appreciated. Please PM me if you have one. Thanks.
i have a few of my 2 tone car. not sure if that will work but i can email them 2 you.

here is 2 i have more. not sure if you need a head on shot or if this will do. i have the full size ones but i will have to email them to you.


  • IMG_0915.JPG
    69.6 KB · Views: 375
  • IMG_0916.JPG
    65 KB · Views: 361
Here's mine...

if you like...:biggrin:


  • DSCF2165.jpg
    86.7 KB · Views: 362
  • DSCF2171.jpg
    91.8 KB · Views: 363
  • DSCF2261.jpg
    60.9 KB · Views: 352
How about this one? If you like I can email you a bigger pic.


  • DSC04964 (Small).jpg
    DSC04964 (Small).jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 320
How about this one? If you like I can email you a bigger pic.

Yup that or the first one should work nicely. Please fire me the full size image. If you have a larger size of yours Sinical please email me that as well. Thanks again for the help guys.
Albertan, that's the only copyt of that pic I have. Sorry. It's the copy saved to my Photobucket.
I had to add a couple too :cool: ... I have these in high res if you need any of them.



Thanks for everyone's help. I got that part of the site sorted out. Hopefully I can publish it this weekend. Lotsa long hours ahead...