If I stepped on yer toes Im sorry. Most long time board members know my story. Without me we would never be this far.
Plus I am out for the better of the board. I am doing this auction for the BOARD to win. I have nothing but respect for each and every one of you all and the BOARD comes first. I go in behind myself and "clean up" meaning delete the threads right after stuff sells. I am very approachable. If you would like some help moving stuff, hit me up.
I have done and will continue to do as much if not more than anyone to help see our board and members happy.
I give back in so many ways.
How many of you slip the board $s to help it out? I do in one way or another and always will. I am not making any money with this auction either in fact I will end up losing as I can see to get it off the ground I will be donating parts to auction. I will NEVER get what they are worth and I know it. So another LOSS... but you guys as a whole win with fun and maybe a good deal. I will be giving 2.5% of every sale as well.
Blacky , If you have a beef hit me up. I am approachable and am not a dick. I , for years, had to mediate peoples issues on here and did a damn good job at that.
If you feel your ads aren't performing well , hit me up and I can help you to get more exposure. OR send me a PM with what you want to auction.
Seeing you joined in 2010 I can understand you didn't know who or what I was. Read the history of the board in the turbo lounge post. I gave more to this board than my own website back in the day and will continue to donate.
I can also appreciate you being observant to whats going on.
I can answer just about any questions you may have about and to bother Shane is ….well... He has bigger issues to deal with. Feel free to contact and converse as I want EVERYBODY to have fun and benefit.
and to finalize.....
NOBODY RESPECTS YOU GUYS OR THIS BOARD MORE THAN ME !! I am more than willing to help you to get your stuff exposed in more than one way. Just hook up with me and away we will go. I am putting the auction together today to get ready for Thursday. You wish to assist or to provide something to auction? Feel free to get involved. Can always use an extra hand.
Here is your chance to step up and get involved more. Maybe you don't have the time and that is completely understandable but I wish you would. Again , if I someway insulted you I apologize but I will continue to make sure you and the rest are part of the best board or forums on the net!!
Nothing but love to you all and no shit Blacky, I can help ya a lot of ways. How many sellers do you know include a free gift for their kids so when they get a package they can share the fact of something coming in the mail with there children? How many GIVE away stuff just to help guys out? Ask around, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. buy something and you will see how I operate. Why do you think my stuff sells within minutes? Even at a higher price at times. Cause it is what it is and I'm ME … That's why..
Feel free to get involved with this auction. You would be part of history...... I can prioritize your stuff if you wish...