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If You Own a 1995-2003 3.1-3.4 GM V-6 Read This


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Oct 27, 2002

Its not a pretty picture.GM needs to make things right.Some people are still making payments on vehicles that they cant even drive due to a ruined engine.Some dont have the $4-6,000 for a new engine.
Interesting reading. My wife had a 1997 cavalier that would occasionally have the check coolant light come on and even though we would take it to the dealer, still under warranty, with the light on they would always reset the light and say there was 'no problem found' and CHARGE US a fee! The car then eventually developed a tick from the engine that I thought might have been a lifter or injector problem that continually got worse. It got to the point we never drove the car anymore and wound up trading it in on a 2003 Trailblazer. We got word back from a friend in the used car department that the engine seized less than 3 months later (talk about timing). I now wonder if the inline 4 cyl. might have had some problem too? I just hope there is no problems like this w/the inline 6 in the Trailblazer. :(

Okay, let me get this staright. The guy buys a USED van, puts some miles on it(he doesn't say how much) and than drives it with no coolant(ask any GM technician or maybe he could ask his buddy, the un named service manager) until it siezes and than wants to blame everybody but himself. I admit I have sold my share of intake gaskets and there is a problem with them but don't blame it on DexCool or some BS from an unnamed source. The only reason that gasket will leak is if the engine is overheated. That van has a temperature gauge on it and if he had just taken the time to stop and see why it was overheating he would have only been out of a couple of hundred dollars instead of thousands. If the problem was as big as this guy claims it is than there would be thousands if not millions of cars out there needing engines. If this was the big problem this guy claims it is than his van would have done it since day one. This is not the fault of using DexCool and is not the problem of dissimular metals in the engine. Maybe one day these lawsuits will actually make into a courtroom(I wonder how many have been thrown out?) so the real thruth can come out. BTW Chevrolet is far more liberal than the other divisions(and other manufacturers) when it comes to picking up the bill for things that are out of warranty so I suspect if this wasn't a used vehicle than it would have been handled under an extended warranty.
Granted there may be an issue with the engines but that site looks to me like not much more than a buncha ppl that only know "theres a thingy under the hood that makes the car go" and are looking for a way to get their lack of attention to gauges paid for.

I only read a couple and found one where a couple bought an aztec... If they are big enough idots to buy one those rolling abortions, let alone think its attractive, then they shouldnt be on the road in the first place IMO.
There is a problem with the late model 3.4's[maybe 3.1's too].
Seems the cam bearing clearances are too tight and they grab the cam journal twisting the cam apart[as seen].
I've seen more than one of them in for rebuild for that reason[trying to work out a solution for this].
Seems GM won't warranty this[at least around here].
As to the intake gasket,that's always been a problem for the 2.8/3.1/3.4.
Just the nature of the beast.
Maybe one day GM will get it right.:rolleyes:
Read the entire website before you make a judgement.GM even has a service bulletin out admitting theres a problem with the 3.1-3.4's but the general public sure doesnt know this.Its in the website.Chevy Ventures seem to be having the most problems.

Alot of people bought their vehicles new and lost engines before 80,000 miles.I'm sure alot of these people took care of their vehicles and did not get them hot.We have a 2002 Buick with a 3.4 and 30,000 miles on it thats in the shop for a BCM.To be safe I'll have to pay to have new intake gaskets installed myself if GM cant afford too.

They recently recalled all 2000-2003 GM's with 3800's for this very problem admitting that the intake gasket can leak.Our 2000 LS Regal is going in this week to have this fixed.

I've driven nothing but GM since 1976 but I'm probably thru with them.
Originally posted by Regal-luvr
Read the entire website before you make a judgement.GM even has a service bulletin out admitting theres a problem with the 3.1-3.4's but the general public sure doesnt know this.

You said it,now see if GM will admit it to the general public.
They won't up here.
we have a 1995 cutlass with a 3.1L with 109k miles on it. the only problem we have had with it was from a lack of a tune up (plugs, wires, etc) which made it run rough, but after that was taken care of, it runs fine.

i have heard that the 3.1Ls have leaking problems, but i don't know if it really deserves a horribly designed webpage or not.
Radius Kid,

My best friends brother works at our local GM dealer.I find out lots of things from him.Tons of 3.1's and 3.4's are having problems and its not all the owners fault.GM will be held responsible some day.
our 99 monte (3.1) is at the dealer right now for this problem....I guess losing all you coolant every 2 weeks is normal. Incase you didnt know burning 2 guarts every 800 miles in cadillacs is normal too, and nothing to be worried about :mad: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Regal-luvr
Radius Kid,

My best friends brother works at our local GM dealer.I find out lots of things from him.Tons of 3.1's and 3.4's are having problems and its not all the owners fault.GM will be held responsible some day.

I hear you.That's probably why the website was put up in the first place.
They should all file a class action lawsuit so each person can get a free intake gasket change and the lawyers will get millions of dollars.:rolleyes:
A question for you.Are you saying that its quite OK for a GM engine to have an internal coolant leak?Thats the last thing most people think of.Just keep on filling the radiator until your engine is ruined or pay out of your own pocket for an intake gasket that GM knows is bad.This problem went on for years and GM finally fixed it in Oct 2003 but to heck with anyone that bought a vehicle prior to that..This sure is a kind,caring,and compassionate company.

No one should have to worry about coolant going inside their engine.With average care you should expect 150,000-200,000 miles out of most engines today.We have a 91 Buick Regal with the 3800 thats fastly heading to 200,000 miles and has had no problems.

So its a crime to own a Pontiac Aztek.These poor people that paid $25,000 of their hard earned money for one deserve to have their engines ruined because they bought an Aztek.What a stupid statement.Maybe GM should put a little quality in to their vehicles and own up to their mistakes.

I work for a company and if we get one complaint about a product we do our best to make it right to the customer because with out him we go out of business.
I have a 99 Chevy Malibu with a 3.1 and guess what the intake gasket is leaking on it. I was just at the GM dealership this past weekend talking about this same problem. I will be fixing mine this weekend. The dealer wants $350.00 to fix it. It calls for 5-1/2 hour of labor. This sucks.

I'd sure copy off the GM service bulletin from the GM-V6Lemons website and show it to your dealer.Let them explain that to you.GM should have to stand it since they are privately admitting theres a problem.There would be no need for a replacement gasket if there were no problems.

I have a 1985 and 86 T-Types and I sure dont worry about the intake gasket leaking on them.

We made the bad mistake of trading off a 1998 Regal GS with that great SC3800 for a 2002 Buick Rendezvous CXL with AWD and the mediocre 3400 V-6.We traded because my wife has alot of back problems so its hard for her to get in and out of a vehicle thats low to the ground.

Since 1976 we have bought 10 new and 3 used GM vehicles but that may all be coming to an end very soon.
Hey all of the big auto makers have problems and try to sweep it under the rug.Has everyone forgotten about all of the roll overs the Ford Suvs had?Maybe GM should blame this gasket problem on their supplier. :confused:
Originally posted by Regal-luvr

So its a crime to own a Pontiac Aztek.

If its not it should be.

These poor people that paid $25,000 of their hard earned money for one deserve to have their engines ruined because they bought an Aztek.

Maybe they didnt deserve to have their engines ruined by an internal coolant leak but they do deserve a swift kick in the hind end for buying an aztec. Every single person I know wouldnt drive one if GM payed them.

What a stupid statement.

Listen up... my post was laced with some humor if you couldnt tell so dont get your panties in a wad. Yeeesh.... Personally I dont care what happens to GM anymore as they lost me as a customer for a new car a long time ago and I sure as hell dont care what happens to anyones engine that doesnt know any better when their vehicle is drinking ~1 gallon of coolant every week. Personally, I keep an eye on my fluid levels so I know something is wrong when one or more of those fluids start going somewhere. Then again Im stupid so I guess stupid people do those things and I guess if I was smart Id drive the car without opening the hood until the engine puked then blame the manufacturer :rolleyes:

Maybe GM should put a little quality in to their vehicles and own up to their mistakes.

That I can agree with.. As soon as ppl understand that big corporations like GM, ford, pick one dont give a flying flip about you or I then they will become a little more conscious of happenings around them. I take care of myself because Im an adult and have a big enough sack to do so. Other ppl need to learn the same instead of blindly letting issues get out of their control then go whining to a lawyer to fix it for them when the application of some common sense would have been all that was needed in the first place.

BTW, myclone has no upper case "m".
What part of this do you not understand?If GM could build a decent 3.1 or 3.4 engine with an intake gasket that didnt leak there would be no internal coolant leaks.That means few cars would ever be driven low on coolant or gotten hot.Shouldnt we expect that a vehicle that we paid $20-30,000 for shouldnt have a leaky intake gasket at 60,000 miles.

Ok,if the average motorist does see his coolant is low what is he going to do.He is going to add more coolant to it so that means even more coolant is going in to end up inside his engine.The last thing on his mind is that its all going to eventually end up in his oil pan and ruin his engine.Hes not even aware theres an intake gasket problem because Mr Goodwrench sure isnt going to tell him to be watching for this.

Buick Centurys have the 3.1 V-6 and in my town the average driver of one is probably a 75-80 year old widow woman.Shes supposed to know if her coolant is low that she should go right to her GM dealer and tell him my 1999 Buick Century has a leaky intake gasket at 60,000 miles and I'll gladly pay you $600.00 to fix it when my SS check comes in.She shouldnt expect poor little old GM to have to pay for their own screw up.Give me a break.

Lets face it probably 50% of the motoring public doesnt check their oil or coolant level once between oil changes.Most around here have their oil changed at Walmart,a quick lube place,or at their local car dealer.Very few service their own vehicles these days.I do most of mine when I have the time.

I'm probably guilty myself of not checking stuff often enough,especially low mile newer vehicles.We have 6 cars,2 pickups,6 tractors,2 combines,and 2 grain trucks.Thats alot to look after.I shouldnt have to check my wifes $34,000 (when new) AWD 2002 Buick Rendevous CXL's coolant level every day because GM built a stinking lousy 3.4 V-6 engine that could lose an intake gasket at any time.Enough said.

Sorry, but I dont have much of a sense of humor these days.