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Illinois speed limits


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What should the speed limit be on IL expressways?

  • 55mph

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • 65mph

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • 75mph

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
What is with Illinois 55 mph spped limit. The south extention of I-355 was completed and opened last year and the speed limit is 55.
Brand new concrete smooth as glass and we are constantly tapping the brakes. It real funny too, we have a shortage of police but you can find one any time on these (speed trap) roads. :rolleyes:

What do you think speed limit should be on illinois expressways?
Pepole tend to drive 10 mph faster on the e way anyway. 55 for the local ones, 65 if you're out in the sticks.
Pepole tend to drive 10 mph faster on the e way anyway. 55 for the local ones, 65 if you're out in the sticks.

I agree, people drive at least 70 mph on 90/94 and 294 and I virtually NEVER see anyone get pulled over or see any speed traps. Once in awhile I see they park an IL State Police car on the shoulder as a speeding deterrent.

Whats really crazy is that the limit is supposed to be 45 on 94 right now because of construction but still nobody drives less than 65-70 on it that I've seen.

Increased speeds do not statistically result in more accidents. But they do cause more property as well as physical damage as a result of higher speeds.

I was always a fan of Montana's old speed limit signs reading "Reasonable and prudent".
i would say the out skirts of chicago express ways should be 65 to 70 mph
It see people texting while doing 70mph on 290(55mph zone) at 5:30am. I'm thinking the I.S.P need more officers in undercover cars. I hear they will put vans with cameras in the construction sites, $350 MINUMUM first offense.:eek:
I hear they will put vans with cameras in the construction sites, $350 MINUMUM first offense.:eek:
That's sneaky but probably very effective. I guess you don't want to lend anyone ur vehicle on that highway.
I agree, people drive at least 70 mph on 90/94 and 294 and I virtually NEVER see anyone get pulled over or see any speed traps. Once in awhile I see they park an IL State Police car on the shoulder as a speeding deterrent.

Whats really crazy is that the limit is supposed to be 45 on 94 right now because of construction but still nobody drives less than 65-70 on it that I've seen.


You better start driving the limit in construction zones because they are going to start using camera's and mail your $350 ticket to you. 10 mph or under the speed limit on non-construction highways you should be okay;)
What, there are speed limits on the highways around Chicago?..I thought they were just suggestions ;)

"IDOT spokeswoman Paris Ervin said that more than 8,000 citations have been issued to date using the cameras, and the strict enforcement seems to be working."

BullSh*T!!!! I drive through construction zones all the time. I try to go as close to 45 as I can but I have people riding my bumper, yelling, flipping me off, etc etc. If Illinois weren't littered with construction zones all summer people might be more tolerant. I also have a problem with them giving tickets in construction zones that are obviously not active and construction zones that seem to have no purpose. I'm sure you guys have seen them, a "construction zone" with horses, barrels and signs but nothing seems to be happening to the road.

I believe the fine is 375 for the first offense and that article said 8000 citations. Hmmmm where does all that money go? Illinois sucks!

Anyway back on topic...

I think speed limits should be raised to 75. The 55 speed limit is a relic of times when cars were not as safe. From what I've seen 95% of people on the highways are speeding but go with the flow of traffic. I really believe the current state of the speed limit is just a revenue generator. I watched a cop not pull over a woman who weaved her way across 3 lanes from the left to the right and all the way back to the left lane. I know he saw her because he was right behind me and she was right in front of me. This was on I55 north near Rte 83 at 4:30 p.m. If anyone has driven that stretch of road at that time they know that traffic is only moving 50- 55 mph. Yes that lady wasn't speeding but her moves in traffic were much more dangerous than someone going 10 or 15 mph over the speed limit on an open road.
I was born and raised in Chicago and lived my entire adult life in the NW suburbs. We moved across the border to Indiana 4 years ago and the speed limit here in uncongested areas is 70 which is what the highways were originally designed for which seems reasonable.

I think the construction zones in Illinois are confusing because you can drive in a posted "construction zone" for miles and miles and miles on 294 and never see one worker. The speed limit is still the 45 mph in those areas. I noticed that in Indiana and other states, the work zone speed limit is only in effect when a light on a sign is flashing... that seems like the way it should be handled in every state. Those cameras in Illinois are probably only there to entrap drivers raise money. If there is no construction workers around, no one could go 45 without getting run off the road. In the NW suburbs, cameras are popping up all over the place with one goal in mind, raising money through fines. WTF!!!
It seems like johny law could give half a sh!t about peoples safety these days..all they care about is in point I made a left turn where they had one of those stupid no left between 4 and 6 pm signs...I got pulled over and asked what other option I had to get into the subdivision from the direction I was coming as the other streets going in were dead ends and one-ways the wrong way..He said I should have made a right turn..did a u-turn...then went straight across the road (which would be nearly impossible)..I asked him if he thought that a little unsafe he said yeah...but he doesn't make the laws he just enforces them...At this point the ticket was written so I asked him what does it say on the side of you car to which he replied North Riverside police...I said no..whats the which he replied serve and protect..I asked him which one he was doing since he telling me I have to do something a lot riskier than what i had done..I then proceeded to drill him about how he's a great crime fighter and how his family must be proud..I can be a real prick when I get pulled over for stupid sh!t :rolleyes:

O geez I forgot to mention those F'n red light camera intersections that have caused a million people to get re-ended since people see yellow now and immediately slam on their brakes..Thanks government you assh0les!
I see most you guys feel the same way I do about our speed limits. Everyone is doing 10 over so why not raise the limit? LOL! Ya, we know why. So they can take your money.
The cops are more and more aggressive lately too. Thats for sure. I feel like I'm being hunted. It's hard not to get a ticket. You literally have to drive like a old man. They are pulling over for no seat belt too. So be warned guys. Click it or ticket. Our police have nothing better to do.
I-57, for instance is crawling with marked and unmarked cars. They are having a field day with people who are trying to get to and from work. They never worried about it before.
53 south of Joliet is another hot spot. It's crawling with state and local cops who are out for blood. It's a real shame they target the public the way they do.
Anyone get away with a warning lately? Yea right! Thats a thing of the past. :rolleyes:

Back in the day if you were a little too buzzed, Buford T. Justice would tell to hop in, I'll give you ride home. You can come back for your car tomorrow.;)

Now day's, you are talking thousands. This world if F'd up! How ever they can screw you, they will.

Here, send all these street cops into the gang infested neighborhoods where kids can't go out side and play because they get hit with bullits. I think that would be tax money well spent.
A minor part of the problem is that A lot of cops are robots just executing commands or doing what they are told to do by their boss.
The big problem is the people you voted for that wrote the law as it is.
Obey the law and you have no worries. I dont remember where speeding or not wearing your seatbelt were legal these days. Do I speed? Sometimes. Do I not where my seatbelt? Sometimes. Do I whine when I get caught? No! Sorry, no sympathy here. Lots of Troopers in my family. If people would ALL slow down to the speed limit, merge properly, and be curteous to each other you wouldnt have half these issues. Heres a picture of my cousin Richs squad after an inatentive driver failed to merge left for an emergency vehicle on the shoulder.
I see most you guys feel the same way I do about our speed limits. Everyone is doing 10 over so why not raise the limit? LOL! Ya, we know why. So they can take your money.
The cops are more and more aggressive lately too. Thats for sure. I feel like I'm being hunted. It's hard not to get a ticket. You literally have to drive like a old man. They are pulling over for no seat belt too. So be warned guys. Click it or ticket. Our police have nothing better to do.
I-57, for instance is crawling with marked and unmarked cars. They are having a field day with people who are trying to get to and from work. They never worried about it before.
53 south of Joliet is another hot spot. It's crawling with state and local cops who are out for blood. It's a real shame they target the public the way they do.
Anyone get away with a warning lately? Yea right! Thats a thing of the past. :rolleyes:
Back in the day if you were a little too buzzed, Buford T. Justice would tell to hop in, I'll give you ride home. You can come back for your car tomorrow.;)

Now day's, you are talking thousands. This world if F'd up! How ever they can screw you, they will.

Here, send all these street cops into the gang infested neighborhoods where kids can't go out side and play because they get hit with bullits. I think that would be tax money well spent.

Well said. I did get a warning the other day though. It was 330 in the morning and I was on my way to work. Cop clocked me at 65 in a 50. I KNOW my speedometer wasn't even near 60. I didn't argue and I was on my way with a written warning. I hear these warnings can go on your insurance now. :eek: Sorry, kind of off topic.

55MPH seems kind of slow these days for major highways. In NJ it fluctuates. The cops always like to sit right where the speed limit drops from 65 to 55. :rolleyes: