I'm a proud Dad again!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2002
My wife and I welcomed a healthy baby boy into the world yesterday! Zachary William was 8lb 9oz and 21" long. We can't wait to get home into the comfort of our house. Anxious to see how my 2 year old reacts to being a big brother! Wife is doing suprising well considering my 2 year old was 7lb even when he was born. :eek:
Congrats again! Kids are the best thing that can happen to us...I look forward to seeing my daughter grow up. She was born November of last year. Have a good day!
Congrats to you both! My wife is 35 weeks so I am getting excited myself.
Thanks guys! Here's my little guy helping me wash HIS tractor. :D

Here's baby Zachary