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When do you (The people) think its time to draw the line, and make that known to Washington?

January 20, 2017 when President Trump was sworn in. But the good patriotic Americans are slow to anger and try to do things the proper way but now their patients has worn very thin. Sure wouldn't want to be on the opposing side facing them.
When do you (The people) think its time to draw the line, and make that known to Washington?
My $.02.
The swamp has been well aware, of the people's opinion, for many yrs/decades.
Once they grabbed the power, installed their agenda, there was no consideration for anyone/anything, other than their ego driven, warped sense of right/wrong, legal/illegal.
The demise of this once great nation, is slowly moving forward, akin to cancer.
We get our daily dose of "don't worry, we're here to help", BULLSHIT.
Don't like it? Tuff.
NOTHING will change. Think it will? Take 1 look at how they got rid of president Trump.
Furthermore, anyone that tries to continue with his/her agenda, will be dealt with, in a similar manner....Or worse.
I see one possible chink, in their armor...Term limits.
However, getting this past the power brokers, is all but impossible. Why would they vote in a law, that by it's very existence, puts a severe limit on their ability to control the populace, steal millions, take care of their friends, etc.
Nancy Piglosi just used her power, to get reelected as speaker. Think this wasn't accomplished thru intimidation, threats? Guess again.
I'm done......
My $.02.
The swamp has been well aware, of the people's opinion, for many yrs/decades.
Once they grabbed the power, installed their agenda, there was no consideration for anyone/anything, other than their ego driven, warped sense of right/wrong, legal/illegal.
The demise of this once great nation, is slowly moving forward, akin to cancer.
We get our daily dose of "don't worry, we're here to help", BULLSHIT.
Don't like it? Tuff.
NOTHING will change. Think it will? Take 1 look at how they got rid of president Trump.
Furthermore, anyone that tries to continue with his/her agenda, will be dealt with, in a similar manner....Or worse.
I see one possible chink, in their armor...Term limits.
However, getting this past the power brokers, is all but impossible. Why would they vote in a law, that by it's very existence, puts a severe limit on their ability to control the populace, steal millions, take care of their friends, etc.
Nancy Piglosi just used her power, to get reelected as speaker. Think this wasn't accomplished thru intimidation, threats? Guess again.
I'm done......

I agree with what you said except the part about President Trump, he's staying and the next 4 years heads are going to roll because he has no other choice to save the country. And if he doesn't his entire family will be toast.
How about the cuomo and his demonrats control the state assembly and senate introducing a bill to send "suspected" people of having not just covid but "the covid" to internment camps. Sounds familiar doesn't it.

Look on the bright side, if Biden wins, which I believe most of you believe will happen , all of you will get 2 grand. That’s not a bad deal. I mean I have to believe most folks are a little tired of having to swallowing Trumps come, if he can still produce any. However two thousand is more then any of you have ever gotten for any president in your lifetime. Lol
Look on the bright side, if Biden wins, which I believe most of you believe will happen , all of you will get 2 grand. That’s not a bad deal. I mean I have to believe most folks are a little tired of having to swallowing Trumps come, if he can still produce any. However two thousand is more then any of you have ever gotten for any president in your lifetime. Lol
2 grand, and don't forget communism.
2 grand, and don't forget communism.
That may be better then the BS that is going on now, I have paid my taxes, i went to war when my country call me. And now I’m at the end of my life, and we have a president that’s doing what NO president before him has even come close to doing. What the fuck, no one cares. What a world.