I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

That may be better then the BS that is going on now, I have paid my taxes, i went to war when my country call me. And now I’m at the end of my life, and we have a president that’s doing what NO president before him has even come close to doing. What the fuck, no one cares. What a world.
You mean doing stuff like draining the swamp?
Plus, money ain't everything and 2k ain't :poop:.
That may be better then the BS that is going on now, I have paid my taxes, i went to war when my country call me. And now I’m at the end of my life, and we have a president that’s doing what NO president before him has even come close to doing. What the fuck, no one cares. What a world.
Ray, they don't give anything to the citizens. They only take. If what happened to Trump over the last 5 years is OK with you then fine, but it is not Ok with me, that simple. I am not ever going to accept Biden, he did not win, he stole it. Any moron can read the constitution and see what the swing states did and see they broke the law and the constitution. I am not ever going to accept that. The courts are as corrupt as the congress and state governments now.
Speaking of the fallout of WW 2;
This shit sounds like it's a familiar run up, to what Hitler did, in the 30's.
However, on a much smaller scale....to start with.
How convenient, just a day before the shit hits the fan.
Proud Boys Leader Arrested, Accused of Burning Church Banner | Newsmax.com
Add in the arrests, convictions, of Trumps allies, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, and the pattern is pretty clear.
A few Arkancide events is another indicator.
Finally, the media distortions, and the program is underway.
That may be better then the BS that is going on now, I have paid my taxes, i went to war when my country call me. And now I’m at the end of my life, and we have a president that’s doing what NO president before him has even come close to doing. What the fuck, no one cares. What a world.
You're open to communism. That's all I need to know.
Speaking of the fallout of WW 2;
This shit sounds like it's a familiar run up, to what Hitler did, in the 30's.
However, on a much smaller scale....to start with.
How convenient, just a day before the shit hits the fan.
Proud Boys Leader Arrested, Accused of Burning Church Banner | Newsmax.com
Add in the arrests, convictions, of Trumps allies, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, and the pattern is pretty clear.
A few Arkancide events is another indicator.
Finally, the media distortions, and the program is underway.
Only in America do people go to jail for burning a f**** BLM flag but become a hero when burning the American flag. Time to defund that police department.
Speaking of the fallout of WW 2;
This shit sounds like it's a familiar run up, to what Hitler did, in the 30's.
However, on a much smaller scale....to start with.
How convenient, just a day before the shit hits the fan.
Proud Boys Leader Arrested, Accused of Burning Church Banner | Newsmax.com
Add in the arrests, convictions, of Trumps allies, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, and the pattern is pretty clear.
A few Arkancide events is another indicator.
Finally, the media distortions, and the program is underway.
It's gone a step further.....
Judge Bans Proud Boys Leader From Washington After Arrest | Newsmax.com
Look on the bright side, if Biden wins, which I believe most of you believe will happen , all of you will get 2 grand. That’s not a bad deal. I mean I have to believe most folks are a little tired of having to swallowing Trumps come, if he can still produce any. However two thousand is more then any of you have ever gotten for any president in your lifetime. Lol

My gosh man, re-read your post. $2k gotten from from any president! Did he just pull it out of his stash like that woman in Detroit said about obama giving free phones? The dollar has been tanking on the exchanges because of all the money created out of thin air so hyper inflation is on its way. Or bankruptcy, or both.
President Trump's cum, really. Bet he can still get an erection without needing any help from whatever.
My gosh man, re-read your post. $2k gotten from from any president! Did he just pull it out of his stash like that woman in Detroit said about obama giving free phones? The dollar has been tanking on the exchanges because of all the money created out of thin air so hyper inflation is on its way. Or bankruptcy, or both.
President Trump's cum, really. Bet he can still get an erection without needing any help from whatever.
Yes KC you are right. I did re-read my post. Yes it was ugh. The only excuse I can offer is Im on a IV line with some shitty drugs that really has screwed with my head. Per my wife. She also has me on one from a drug trial. Trying to help me stay here I guess. Don’t know anymore if it’s worth it or not. If I offended anyone I am sorry. Trying to stay involved with the world , as I have nothing left to do or can do.