I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Kc you seem like such an intelligent guy, how can you think/say trump will be president after the 21st?
It's blowing up in their face!:cool:
They've called out the guard, the FBI, the Secret Service, the Maryland State Police.
The protestors are in the house and senate chambers. One dude is in Piglosi's chair , one is in McConnell's seat in the senate!
These assholes could have avoided all this, with one simple concept: An HONEST election.
Maybe, every one of those assholes will come down with the virus....

How about the guy that got into piglosi's office and found her computer e-mails on the screen still working. She was shitting her girdle so bad to get out of there she forgot to shut it off. Hope he download all he could.
Say what you want, however there are just as many piss off R’s as D’s on the hill right now. There are many suit and ties walking every floor hallway then has ever been seen on the hill. They are all carrying automatic machine guns, inside and outside. This isn’t something I read or saw on tv. It’s not fake news. What I’m saying is what my sister told me a little while ago. After her phone call from her husband telling he was fine and ok. You had some female Congress members hiding in closets under desks scared to death. Now some members on the house team and Teds team are backing away. They are blaming Trump for this. Pence is being asked to invoke the 25th amendment. Looks like Trump has shit and fell face first in it.

Is this that same imaginary 45 year sucking off the taxpayer teet congressman you keep talking about? I heard they were all carrying hand phaser #2s which are more powerful than phaser #1s! And that's "not" fake news either!
Look how f'n scared these cowardly bastards are when confronted by unarmed freedom loving America patriots.
Going to be glorious when our President Trump starts his second term soon and no stone will be left unturned getting to the truth. No wonder they're in such a panic. Rumor is that there's been a seat reserved on a C-130 for pence to Gitmo.
Kc you seem like such an intelligent guy, how can you think/say trump will be president after the 21st?

Because like I said before, our country was founded and dedicated to GOD and do not see Him allowing it to fall under total control of evil. Judgement yes.
Is this that same imaginary 45 year sucking off the taxpayer teet congressman you keep talking about? I heard they were all carrying hand phaser #2s which are more powerful than phaser #1s! And that's "not" fake news either!
Look how f'n scared these cowardly bastards are when confronted by unarmed freedom loving America patriots.
Going to be glorious when our President Trump starts his second term soon and no stone will be left unturned getting to the truth. No wonder they're in such a panic. Rumor is that there's been a seat reserved on a C-130 for pence to Gitmo.
Yes and who are you sucking off. Not cowardly either, he was in the same war as I only 7 years earlier. As far as these cowardly bastards you talk about who and where have you had gun play ???
Yes and who are you sucking off. Not cowardly either, he was in the same war as I only 7 years earlier. As far as these cowardly bastards you talk about who and where have you had gun play ???

Reports of the politicians running and some hiding under their desks. I knew you'd have to bring up the vietnam thing again, you pull that out like a pistol from a holster every chance you get. If even true. Never heard anyone other than john kerry do that. Remember everyone, you can't be a patriot unless you've been to vietnam 50 years ago and keep reminding everyone of it. As far as sucking off, it sure isn't lesley graham and "cock" cheney like you do at every turn.
Maybe next you can tell us about your time in Ben Wah and the set of gold ben wah balls you picked up to use on lesley.
Reports of the politicians running and some hiding under their desks. I knew you'd have to bring up the vietnam thing again, you pull that out like a pistol from a holster every chance you get. If even true. Never heard anyone other than john kerry do that. Remember everyone, you can't be a patriot unless you've been to vietnam 50 years ago and keep reminding everyone of it. As far as sucking off, it sure isn't lesley graham and "cock" cheney like you do at every turn.
Maybe next you can tell us about your time in Ben Wah and the set of gold ben wah balls you picked up to use on lesley.
Again when have you had any gun play, pussy
This the the woman who was shot and killed in the Capitol building.
Funny how the area wasn't 'locked down' because it was the scene of a shooting/murder. And there has been no word of an investigation being done. No, nothing, nada, zilch! All they wanted to do was to go back inside and finish counting the votes. It could have waited for another day.


A good idea but how do you actually pick the 15 who aren't swamp creatures or come under threat if they don't go the way of the deep state. I'd rather have General Flynn run the investigation with Powell and Wood. The sweat would be running off the dirt bags like Niagara Falls when put under oath.
This the the woman who was shot and killed in the Capitol building.
Funny how the area wasn't 'locked down' because it was the scene of a shooting/murder. And there has been no word of an investigation being done. No, nothing, nada, zilch! All they wanted to do was to go back inside and finish counting the votes. It could have waited for another day.


First of all she's not the right skin tone. That's pretty sad that some asshole felt so threatened by that woman to have to pull out his weapon a kill her. Deserves to spend a very long time in the slammer, or worse. Wonder now if the conservatives will go burn down half of dc now over it. But we know they won't because they are law abiding and know it doesn't solve anything. I guess we let the wheels of justice handle it for now.